Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2013
The concept of functions, and its singular function, we usually use it widely in our language and to refer to various questions.
To activity of something or someone it is expressed through the word function. Thus, for example, María, who works as a secretary in a company, has among her job duties that of answering telephone calls from her boss. Take a message to whoever he calls if he is not there or communicate the call if he is.
While, in biology, those functions are called processes that take place inside the body of living beings, animals and human beings, and that have the mission of conserving the species in question.
Among the most important functions are: the functions of reproduction(They are those that facilitate the creation of a new organism, the most common types being the sexual, asexual, generative and vegetative), the functions of the metabolism(consisting of the reactions and processes that occur in cells and in the body and allow the activity
mobile; stand out the breathing, the feeding, among others) and the functions of catabolism (which is the branch of metabolism that deals with transforming complex biomolecules into simple pairs and storing the chemical energy which emerges from the bonds of molecules with very high energy).On the other hand, in the field of theater, the function is called representation of a play performed by the actors in a specific environment such as the theater. They perform it live. In addition, when a movie is shown in the cinema we talk about function. Minors are prohibited from entering the night function.
In the linguisticsWe also find a reference for the word since the function is the role that a syntactic, lexical, or phonic element plays in the structure of a sentence.
In the area of math, the relationship that arises between two magnitudes is called as a mathematical function and then each of the values will correspond to a certain value of the other variable.
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