Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2008
The border is the strip of territory of nations located around its international limits, that is, the border marks the separation of neighboring countries to which I belong. For example, the Argentine border allows defining which territories belong to Argentina and which to its neighboring countries of Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Chile and Bolivia. Likewise, this consideration also involves limits with non-national areas; thus, Argentina also borders the Atlantic Ocean to the East and to the South.
From this, then, it follows that the raison d'être of the border will be to mark and delimit the sovereignty of a nation with respect to another which is located immediately next to it and thus avoid problems such as disputes over land, water, air and others, with neighboring states. In this sense, it is worth remembering that the borders are considered extended over the atmosphere located within the limits of a nation ("air space") and above the underwater platform of those waters that bathe its coasts. The air and maritime spaces located outside these areas are called international, without sovereign jurisdiction of any particular nation.
Consequently, and contrary to what most people believe of borders, they cannot only be demarcated by a portion of land, but rivers and seas are also often used to mark the territorial scope of a country with respect to other. So in addition to land borders there are maritime, river, lake and air borders. A particular case is the Antarctic territory, on which there are differences of criteria between some nations that claim areas as part of their borders, and other states that consider the White Continent as a region not subject to the power of any Condition.
In addition, border areas are often characterized by the strong presence of the police or the different security forces. safety who are in charge of ensuring the security of the nation in question; As a consequence, since it is a place of transit from one country to another, they are usually the places to which the most influx of immigration arrives and through which illegal substances known as drugs Smuggling is another critical factor in border regions, where the vigilance of each nation is crucial to maintaining its economy.
Meanwhile, to delimit the borders, what is customary to be is to take some of the most visible aspects of the geography of a nation and use it to delimit the boundaries; thus, the highest peak of a Mountain, the end of a mountain range or, in the case of a river frontier, all the river banks will be taken as a reference. On many occasions, some of these landmarks are chosen that are joined by imaginary lines to define a limit. Similarly, on more than one occasion, borders are established using the meridian and parallel systems, arbitrarily but agreed between different nations. In certain circumstances, when a border cannot be defined by mutual agreement, it is possible to request the opinion or collaboration of a personality or neutral ruler to finish establishing a border. This remedy is called an arbitration award and can, in certain cases, avoid real armed conflicts.
As an interesting comment, the idea of a border is not summarized in the demarcation of countries. There are also internal borders, which separate states, provinces, municipalities, departments, parties, counties, and other regions within each nation. These borders are usually defined by treaties that require the endorsement and foundation of the government central.
Border Topics