Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2013
A kiosk or kiosk, as we can also see it written, it is a building of small dimensions, that normally appears installed in the public highway and from which flowers, newspapers, magazines are sold, among others, or failing that, a kiosk is also called Commercial premises, which can be small, medium or large, in which sweets, soft drinks, cookies, alfajores are sold, among the main products.
On the other hand, a kiosk is also called that little oriental-style house, which is open on all sides and is usually located in public squares and gardens.
It should be noted that in the cases of newspaper and flower kiosks, as well as in the type mentioned in the paragraph above, the construction is light and consists of several columns or pillars that have the function of supporting a cover, its primary mission being the protection of some climatic agents such as the sun, the rain, the wind, in order to be able to develop satisfactorily the activities of sale of the indicated merchandise. In other words, the idea is that the merchant can have a space for the sale of certain items with minimum conditions of
safety and not having to do it directly on public roads with the complications that this causes.By case is that they count and require authorization and regulation by the municipal administrative entity.
It is also common for this type of construction to be available for the stage of a public show performed at the air free. The places where we usually find them are: wide sidewalks, squares, boulevards, beaches and gardens.
Below we will give an account of some of the kiosks that we can most frequently come across in public places: flower kiosk (They are characterized by the sale of flowers and floral arrangements), information kiosk (in this kiosk you can get tourist information or about a public dissemination campaign), candy kiosk (sells sweets), newsstand (in this type of newspaper, magazines and any other type of production printed), kiosk of music(is intended for the presentation of musical shows), interactive kiosk (has a computer that will allow the user to consult various questions), toilet kiosk (They are spaces created exclusively so that people can carry out in a private and sanitary way their physiological needs and any other type of grooming when they attend public performances) and bar kiosk (It is characterized by the serving of food and drinks; they are mostly seen on beaches, fairs in parks).
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