Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2008
Morality is the set of beliefs and norms that guide and guide the behavior of people, individually or in ggroup, in a given society, is something like the parameter that they have to know when something is wrong or right.
Etymologically the word derives from the Latin moris, whose translation would be that of custom, then and although most people use the terms moral and ethics interchangeably and it is not wrong either, moral is more associated with concrete and practical action, for example, there may be traditions or correct or incorrect morals, such as giving the seat to an elderly, disabled or pregnant person in a transport public, to illustrate more graphically the first case and the one of not responding to a greeting that would be the case of the incorrect custom.
The moral, as we said, is closely linked to action, meanwhile, each human action will have a incidence in the social field producing some type of consequence that can be positive or negative and for this situation it will be that a action will be judged as good or bad, as appropriate, by the rest of society, that is why it is necessary for happy and heals
coexistence of a group, that there is this species of a pre-established guide of good and bad actions so that each individual who has just come out into the world knows which side he will decide to be on.The latter that I was commenting on is called objective morality, because regardless of whether the individual wants to abide by them or not, these moral norms are there, they exist in spite of him and his actions.
Following all these determinations that we express above, it follows that it is up to each individual to choose which path they want to follow, the one that adjusts to the normative morality of the place where you live or to rebel against it, but taking into account the negative consequences that this will of course have, such as the discrimination or the isolation caused by the rest of the community to which he belongs.
Likewise, like ethics, a concept that also has its place here in Definition ABC, morality, was already the object of study, attention Y teaching in ancient times by the great thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Pythagoras and Epicurus, among others.
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