Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Oct. 2009
The term mountain is used to refer to the geological formations that rise above the earth as a result of the action of different agents, that is, mountains are large natural elevations that present land.
The highest and most distinguished by their peaks
One of the most characteristic and distinctive elements of the mountains is the peak shape that they present in their cusps or areas more However, it varies in each case depending on its age, as well as the erosive process to which it was exposed. Mountains always have a higher altitude and volume than mountains, hills or hills, which are just other elevated geological forms of smaller size.
Usually, the height has been established as one of the most important and determining characteristics when it comes to indicating whether or not an elevated geological formation is a mountain. In this sense, tradition supposes that those that have more than 2500 meters of distance between their peak and their base can then be considered mountains.
Formation of the mountains
Mountains are considered to be formed from the movement of the different tectonic plates of the planet. This movement causes the internal material of the Earth to compress and be forced out of the Earth crust, then forming land masses of higher altitude and elevation than in the rest of the surface. It is for this same reason that the planet's mountain ranges are located in areas of significant tectonic movement.
Mountains can have different climatic conditions throughout their space. By having height, they can reach different layers of the atmosphere in which the temperature low, thus becoming more sensitive to glaciations, as well as oxygen starvation. These conditions, added to its rugged geography, make the mountains one of the most appropriate spaces for extreme athletes.
Ideal terrain for mountaineering
Mountaineering or also called mountaineering is one of the most popular sports practiced at these elevations. It began to be practiced in the late 18th century and basically consists of climbing a mountain for sporting purposes, the prize of which is, of course, to reach its summit without problems.
Who practices this sport It is called as a mountaineer and it is necessary that to perform the same the individual has specialized equipment to support the weather cold from the mountains, ranging from clothing to other elements that help keep you active during the journey. It is also super important to have a detailed knowledge of how to carry out the practice. Normally it is done in a group being the ideal since if a mountaineer suffers a problem they can be assisted by a partner.
However, many times despite the expertise that is displayed there are cases of mountaineers who get lost in the ascent to the mountains unleashing desperate searches.
Its beautiful landscapes
Nor can we ignore the scenic beauty that these formations represent in the land where they are, being for example the attraction of thousands of tourists who like to appreciate in situ and as close as possible the beautiful landscape that the mountains bring to a place.
Among the most important mountains on the planet we must mention Everest (in Nepal), Kilimanjaro (in Tanzania), Aconcagua (Argentina), the Sugar Loaf (in Brazil), the Finsteraarhorn (Switzerland), the Appalachians (in North America), among many other
Colloquial use
On the other hand, and as a consequence of the original reference to the term, this word, like so many others, is attributed a specific use in the language colloquial. In this case, it is usually used to talk about the large amount of something that one has or owns or also to express that problem that does not seem to have a simple solution. "I have a mountain of tests to correct this weekend"; "This health problem is like climbing a mountain."
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