Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2009
Capacity that a person has and by which they are able to influence their group of belonging
It is designated with the term of Leadership to that capacity that a person has and for which he is capable of influencing the group he belongs to, or a certain public before whom he expresses and directs his message. The leadership situation involves influencing the beliefs, values and actions of others and also support them to work with enthusiasm in achieving the common objectives of the group to which they belong.
Whoever occupies the leadership role in a group or sector will distinguish himself from the rest of his peers because he is capable to make the most correct and convenient decisions for the case and that will allow them to achieve the common goal.
That is, leadership allows us to see beyond the superficial, it is to have a vision beyond what is visible and it is precisely this characteristic that allows us to exercise leadership in any ambit.
Exercise the executive function in a project efficiently
Leadership is the ability to power take the initiative in any matter, manage, summon, promote, motivate, incentivize and evaluate a group or team, which would formally be the exercise of executive activity of a project in an effective and efficient manner, whether it corresponds to the personal or managerial or institutional scope of a company or organization.
Basic conditions to exercise leadership: ability to persuasion, to influence others and charisma
Whenever there is leadership there will be a leader, who will be the individual on whom the responsibility of the task of influencing and motivating the group or its followers. Although there are several conditions that a leader must meet to be able to occupy that privileged position within a group or an organization, the ability to persuasion, of influence on others and their charisma will be considered the determining variables when it comes to achieving the objective of influence.
Types of leadership
exist various types of leadershipMeanwhile, they will be determined by three issues, on the one hand, by the formality in their choice, on the other, by the relationship established between the leader and followers and by the type of influence that the leader has over those to whom command.
For the formality in choosing him, we will meet formal leadership (pre-established by the organization) and informal leadership (emerging in the group).
According to the second question, we will find the following types: dictator leadership (force his ideas in the group, inflexible, likes to order and destroy the creativity of others), autocratic leadership (the leader is the only one who makes decisions and organizes the group, he does not need to justify the decisions he makes), democratic leadership (the leader makes the decisions after discussing them with the group who thinks and chooses among the solution alternatives presented by the leader), paternalistic leadership (makes decisions by handing out rewards and punishments to his followers according to whether or not they comply with the instructions), liberal laissez faire leadership (The leader delegates the decisions to the group, the members of the group enjoy total freedom to decide).
And according to the type of influence of the leader on his subordinates, transactional leadership (group members recognize the leader as such and as authority), charismatic leadership (the leader has the ability to modify values, beliefs and attitudes of his followers), authentic leadership (the one in which the leader concentrates on leading himself first), lateral leadership (between people of the same rank within an organization) and leadership at work (within the workplace).
A company, a product or a sector of the economy occupies a place of absolute superiority
On the other hand, the concept of leadership is commonly used when we want to indicate that a company, an organization, a product or a sector of the economy they occupy a place or situation of absolute superiority in relation to their peers and the context in which they act.
On the commercial level, the value given to the concept is very high because maintaining leadership in a commercial sector or in a product will be the key to commercial and business success. Because a leading product or service will be the one that has the highest sales and also which potential consumers will approach first, that is, before approaching the competence that occupies a lower level, and if the resources necessary, the consumer will always opt for the leading option and not for the least considered one.
This is why the advertising and marketing aim to create leading brands and products, because clearly in these issues lies commercial success.
Policies and strategies that influence leadership achievement
There are countless strategies and trade policies that can be implement for a company to be able to place itself in the first step of consumer preferences.
Of course, offering a product of excellent quality in all aspects that involves it will be the great value, but undoubtedly many times the key is in the price of the product. Those strategies that decide to place affordable prices without diminishing the quality of the product usually achieve leadership in the market in which they operate.