Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Gabriel Duarte, on Apr. 2009
Emotions are all those sensations and feelings that the human being possesses when interacting with his fellow men and with the environment in general. However, this shallow description, it is necessary to point out that the interpretation and elucidation of the phenomenon that the emotions constitute human beings has always been a great problem, insofar as the evaluations carried out were wrong vagueness.
If there is something that we can talk about as a differentiating element between the human being and the rest of the living beings is everything that has to do with emotions and feelings, especially those considered complex. Hence its central importance when defining what a person is and his or her identity.
The emotions in the human being.
To better understand why emotions are fundamental, we must point out that human beings are the only ones who have developed a complex system of emotions that other living beings do not possess. While we can mention emotions that have to do with the physical, the corporal or the organic, such as fear,
joy, the sadness or anger, and that all animals possess to a greater or lesser degree, the human being also has a group of own and exclusive emotions.These emotions are those that you have developed from the coexistence in society and the complex historical life that he has been building. In this sense, emotions such as anxiety, love, anguish, passion, resentment, revenge, happiness or depression are all emotions that are present in the human psyche, not only in his body and that is why they make us different from any other animal.
The importance of emotions.
For a long time, human societies denied or ignored the importance of those complex emotions mentioned in the paragraph previous. It was not until the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that emotions, with the development of theories of psychology, would begin to be recognized as a fundamental and fundamental part of the person as an individual but also of the person as a social being who lives with others and who is inserted in an environment that surrounds him and determines.
In this way, thanks to the development of psychology and the sciences that study the human mind, it was possible to understand that emotions are central to understanding behavior, the way of think and acting of a person. This is influenced by a myriad of elements such as family history, the region where one lives, the economic reality that the person lives, access to a full social life or not, etc. All these elements delimit the basic and complex emotions of a person and make him the only face to the rest, for which they end up becoming a very important element of our identities.
Photo: iStock - ZoneCreative
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