Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2011
The word license supports various uses.
One of the most used is the one that says that license is the permission that generally has to be asked from someone, a superior, for example, to be able to carry out an activity or attend a commitment.
“María asked her boss for leave to attend her brother's wedding.”
Permission granted to someone to carry out an activity or to have any right or concession
Also, at document or contract in which the permission in question is realized or recorded, it is called a license.
“Juan has a license that allows him to carry weapons.”
The license basically what it does is empower a person to carry out certain activities or to enjoy freedoms, rights or concessions due to some extraordinary situation.
Bachelor's degree
Likewise, the concept is used to refer to the bachelor's degree that can be obtained at the university after complete the course of a career and have approved the thesis that is normally required to access said level.
Meanwhile, the person who achieves a license is called a licensee.
This license is what will allow them to practice a certain professional activity.
License agreement: authorization that grants the right to use a good
On the other hand, in theright, a License agreement is the name given to the authorization that assigns the right to use an asset to another person or organization. Most of the time they are non-tangible or intellectual goods, such is the case of a trademark or a patent.
Normally, whoever agrees to use the asset in question must pay a previously stipulated amount of money to use the license. Meanwhile, in the case of software, the payment of the license will authorize the use by the user, although he will not be able to modify or sell to him, since the license authorizes him only to use it.
Driver's license: document issued by the competent authority and that admits that a person can drive because he has completed the relevant exams
For its part, the driver's license is the document that issues the authority corresponding administrative authority and the one that allows whoever carries it to drive vehicles on public roads.
The legislation Each country has its own criteria and conditions at the time of delivery of the same, in any case, there are some universal conditions and rules such as age, which must be over 18 years of age to access it, and if the driver violates some of the traffic laws, the authorization may be canceled immediately granted.
On the other hand, the vial education It is a condition without equanom when it comes to obtaining the driver's license, for example, it is that in addition to the practical exam that you must The applicant must undergo a theoretical exam in which his knowledge will be evaluated precisely about road safety.
Let's think that when one manages a driver's license, he does it with the mission of going out with a car, while that circumstance requires a responsibility very large on the part of the person, since the vehicle when it is not driven in the corresponding can become a lethal weapon against third parties, damaging them in some way, or directly murdering them.
Knowing the traffic rules helps to avoid accidents and not to mention the loss of human life.
It is the responsibility of the government promote campaigns that disseminate clear and concrete messages about road regulations, it is also up to you to demand the provision of a driver's license to drive a car, without it the person cannot be allowed to drive on no way.
But the motorist must also take responsibility for himself when driving a vehicle, and then not only process your driver's license and keep it up to date, but also have knowledge of all the rules that govern the transit and safety inside the car, such is the case of the provision of seat belts, and with regard to providing safety to third parties, it is important that rules are respected such as the priority that the pedestrian has to cross the path pedestrian.
Poetic license: language or style laws are violated
And in the field of literature there is talk of poetic license when in literary texts there is an infringement of the laws of language or in relation to style.
Abusive freedom of action
Another use of the term refers to the abusive freedom that someone presents in acting and saying.
“ Drives in life with extreme license.”