Example of Bisyllable Words
Spanish Classes / / July 04, 2021
As its name tells us, bisyllable words are all those that are composed of two syllables. Therefore, they are generally short words that are widely used daily in any act of communication and speech. In this way, two-syllable words are very easy to identify.
Let's explain a bit how to find the bisyllabic words, it is very simple:
Word | Hyphenation |
tree (noun) | ar (1) - bowl (2) |
sing (verb) | dog (1) - tar (2) |
strong (adjective) | out (1) - tea (2) |
far (adverb) | you (1) - jos (2) |
according (preposition) | I know (1) - gún (2) |
but (conjunction) | pe (1) - ro (2) |
Each of the syllables of a bisyllable word comprises a sound unit which can be formed by vowels (open sounds) or consonants (closed sounds).
In this way, a syllable can be made up of a single vowel (as in the word love:to - mo) or by a vowel and one or more consonants (as in tailor: sas - three).
To know if a word is bisyllable, you have to pay attention to the sound units that are formed, as well as the hiatuses and diphthongs that the word contains, since these can affect the separation. For example, the word
River it is bisyllable because a hiatus is formed in which the vowels separate: rí - o. On the other hand, the word it gave is a monosyllable since io it works like a diphthong.Let's not get too complicated, I'll leave you 500 words for homework and homework.
- It may interest you: Trisyllable words.
500 Examples of two-syllable words (separated into syllables)
Next, we present a list with 500 bisyllable words and their respective hyphenation.
- Love: love
- Tree: tree
- Still: to - you n
- There: there
- There: there
- There: there
- Bow: bow
- Soul: soul
- Before: before
- Year: year
- Disgust: disgust
- Soul: soul
- Harp: harp
- Weapon: weapon
- Love: love
- Year: year
- Random: a - zar
- Tuna: tuna
- Boom: au - ge
- Goodbye: goodbye
- Asthma: as - ma
- Pole: as - ta
- Tuna: tuna
- Blade: as - pa
- Aspe: Aspe
- Donkey: donkey
- Art: art
- Plow: a - rar
- Here: here
- Suitable: ap - to
- Haunch: an - ca
- Amen: Amen
- Something: something
- I raised: I raised
- Sunrise: Sunrise
- Alar: a - lar
- Sour: a - grio
- High: high
- Alex: a - lex
- Adam: A - dán
- To assemble: to assemble
- Aries: A - ries
- Ariel: A - rail
- Slang: ar - got
- Bunker: ar - con
- Sour: a - grio
- Actor: actor
- Proceedings: minutes
- April: April
- To open: April
- Anchor: an - clar
- Yearn: an - siar
- Join: au - nar
- Plow: a - rar
- Sunrise: Sunrise
- Isolate: isolate
- Adrian: A - drián
- Width: width
- Austria: Aus - tria
- Owl: Owl
- Coverall: Diver
- Bureau: bu - ró
- Banking: ban - ca
- Coarse: bas - to
- Derision: bur - the
- Buffe: bu - fe
- Pitch: bre - a
- Down: bo - zo
- Trunk: ba - úl
- Bath: bath
- Spleen: ba - zo
- Edge: bor - de
- Berry: ba - ya
- Donkey: donkey
- Brothel: bur - del
- Burg: bur - go
- Coarse: bur - do
- Stupid: stupid
- Mist: bru - ma
- Sorcerer: bru - ho
- I erase: bo - rro
- Erase: bo - rra
- Edge: bor - de
- Board: bor - do
- Bug: bug
- Vessel: bu - what
- Package: package
- Bullet: ba - the
- Ball: ba - lón
- Boat: boat
- Mud: mud
- Baby: baby
- Mouth: mouth
- Bag: bag
- Boot: bo - ta
- Boat: boat
- Button: button
- Shine: shine
- Gills: bran - chías
- Child: crí - o
- What: What
- How: as
- Raise: cri - ar
- Street: Street
- Preserve: co - to
- Elbow: elbow
- Body: Body
- Certain: certain
- Buys: buys
- Bedroom: bedroom
- Pig: pig
- Hundred: hundred
- Singing: singing
- Eat: eat
- Thing: co - sa
- I cooked: co - c
- Coral: co - ral
- Coupon: cu - put
- Circus: circus
- Headband: headband
- Belt: cin - to
- Dinner: Dinner
- Cut off: cut off
- Horn: Cuer - no
- Curve: curve
- Singer: can - tor
- Carlos: Carlos
- Carmen: Carmen
- Load: load
- Dandruff: dandruff
- Jet: cho - rro
- Shampoo: cham - pu
- Centipede: ciem - feet
- Client: client
- Claudia: Claudia
- Coffee: coffee
- Box: box
- Bed: bed
- Countryside: countryside
- Cane: cane
- Letter: car - ta
- Home: home
- Saucepan: ca - zo
- Zebra: zebra
- Dinner: Dinner
- Movie theater: movie theater
- Cushion: co - jín
- Diego: Diego
- Lintel: din - tel
- Heck: dian - tre
- Dome: do - mo
- Doubt: doubt
- Fact: fact
- Right handed: right handed
- Duo: du - o
- Day: day
- Lasted: Lasted
- Hard: hard
- Dagger: da - ga
- Dressage: do - ma
- Diva: say - go
- I'll say: I'll say
- Let: let
- Demo: from - mo
- Saying: saying
- Debut: de - but
- Diana: Diana
- Doctor: doctor
- Tithe: ten - mo
- Dice: dice
- Dart: give - do
- Finger: finger
- Candy: candy
- Later: later
- That: that
- That: that
- That: that
- This: this
- Her: her
- They: they
- Is: is
- These: these
- East: this
- Ego: e - go
- They were: they were
- Ende: in - of
- Emir: e - mir
- Extra: ex - tra
- Stress: es - trés
- Be: es - here
- To spy: to spy
- Error: error
- Drunk: e - brio
- Throw: throw
- Erect: er - guir
- Cool: in - cold
- Eden: e - den
- Lack: fal - tar
- To smoke: to smoke
- Background: background
- Snoop: fis - gón
- Pin up: pin up
- Fever: fever
- Fire: fire
- I smoke: fu - mo
- Cold: cold
- Cold: cold - a
- Phone: fo - no
- Trust: trust
- Fine: fi - no
- Jurisdiction: was - ro
- Plush: fel - pa
- Date: date
- Wad of bills: wad of bills
- Wrap: fa - jar
- Fountain: fountain
- Brake: Brake
- Friar: frai - le
- Reliable: reliable - ble
- Fief: feu - do
- Fervor: fer - vor
- Feast: fes - tín
- Fiction: fiction
- Febrile: fe - bril
- Flora: flo - ra
- Seal: seal
- Focus: focus
- Folder: fol - der
- Cat: cat
- People: people
- Cap: hat
- Spending: gas - to
- Grotto: gru - ta
- Gnome: gno - mo
- He shouted: He shouted
- Lump: gru - mo
- Gala: ga - la
- Guide: guide
- Cat: cat
- Win: ga - na
- Wink: wink - ño
- Handsome: Handsome
- Yelp: ga - ñir
- Spending: gas - to
- Keep: save
- Glove: guan - te
- Thick: thick
- Gulf: goal - fo
- Hook: hook
- Cherry: guin - da
- Glory: glo - ria
- guard: guard
- Stench: he - dor
- Done: done
- Spindle: hu - so
- I fled: hu - me
- Hour: hour
- There was: there was
- Rubber: hu - le
- Homo: ho - mo
- Hole: ho - me
- Surly: hos - co
- Host: hues - te
- Hurt: hurt
- Iron: iron
- Hernia: her - nia
- Speaks: speaks
- Man: man
- Vegetable patch: vegetable patch
- vegetable plot: vegetable plot
- Speak: speak
- Guest: Guest
- Sink: hin - car
- Actor: actor
- Thread: thread
- Leaf: leaf
- Man: man
- Oven: oven
- Izo: i - zo
- Leave: go - you
- Leave: leave
- Irma: Go - ma
- Magnet: i - man
- Ipso: ip - so
- Iodine: io - do
- Inca: in - ca
- Indian: in - dio
- Iodine: io - do
- Groin: in - gle
- You were going: i - bas
- Isthmus: ist - mo
- Islam: is - lam
- Islan: is - lán
- India: India
- To urge: to urge
- Inflate: in - flar
- Council: Council
- I swear: ju - ro
- Swear: ju - ra
- Just: just
- Jug: jug
- Juice: juice
- Jewel: ho - ya
- Jot: jo - ta
- Pull: ha - what
- Pull: pull
- Sort: ha - ez
- Fair: jus - ta
- Fuck: fuck
- Jamb: jam - ba
- Pull: pull
- Swear: ju - rar
- Judge: judge
- Council: Council
- Jovial: jo - vial
- Minstrel: ju - glar
- Jaguar: Jaguar
- Gasp: ha - dear
- Boast: jac - tar
- Ham: Ham
- Jug: jug
- Kiwi: Kiwi
- Kilo: ki - lo
- Kayak: ka - yak
- Kindergarten: kin - der
- Kaiser: kái - to be
- Kermes: ker - month
- Kiosk: kios - ko
- Ketchup: ketchup
- Pencil: pencil
- Lens: len - te
- Lion: Lion
- Book: book
- lime: Lime
- Lemon: lemon
- Wrench: wrench
- Magnifying glass: magnifying glass
- Mess: li - o
- Mourning: lu - to
- Luxury: lu - jo
- Shine: lu - ce
- Clever: clever
- lime: lime
- Lion: Lion
- Hare: Hare
- Lick: la - me
- Lada: la - da
- I look: light - co
- Monday: Monday
- Local: lo - cal
- Wolf: Wolf
- Cry: cry
- Crying: llan - to
- Achievement: achievement
- Lustrum: lus - tro
- To get: to get
- Canvas: lien - zo
- Liquefy: li - quar
- Work: la - brar
- Boat: boat
- London: Lon - dres
- Mango: man - go
- Show: show
- Magic: Magic
- Map: Map
- Mountain: mon - te
- Micro: my - cro
- Mast: more - til
- To bite: to bite
- Moo: mu - gir
- Mute: Mute
- Measure: measure
- Mica: my - ca
- Blackberry: Blackberry
- Peanut: ma - ní
- Mantle: man - to
- Milan: Mi - lán
- Master's degree: more - ter
- Thrive: me - drar
- Grin: mue - ca
- Morbid: mor - bo
- Fly: mos - ca
- Wicker: mim - bre
- Corn: corn
- stain: stain
- Mate: mate
- Melon: melon
- Table: table
- Monkey: monkey
- Woman: woman
- World: world
- Boy: boy
- Cloud: cloud
- Nectar: nec - tar
- Null: nu - lo
- ship: ship
- Chick: Chick
- Niche: ni - cho
- Native: na - tal
- Nasal: na - salt
- Rule: nor - ma
- Foolish: foolish
- No one: no one
- Nourish: nu - trir
- Groom: groom
- Notice: no - tar
- Notion: no - tion
- Night: night
- To swim: to swim
- Nerve: ner - saw
- Normar: nor - mar
- Our: our
- Hear: hear
- Pray: o - rar
- Order: order
- Cooking pot: cooking pot
- Wave: wave
- Obvious: obvious
- Act: o - brar
- Construction site: construction site
- cheep: cheep
- Ask: ask
- Hair: hair
- Paul: Pa - úl
- Can: can
- Proof: proof
- Pasture: pasture
- Try: try
- Knob: po - mo
- Prune: po - give
- Paste: paste
- Pallium: pa - lio
- Plagiarism: pla - gio
- Lawsuit: plei - to
- Full: ple - no
- Prostrate: pos - trar
- Shovel: pa - la
- Palm: pal - ma
- Stick: stick
- Happens: happens
- Pasture: pasture
- Hair: hair
- Dog: dog
- Piano: pia - no
- Pinta: Pinta
- Pine tree: Pine tree
- Pineapple: pineapple
- Pipe: pipe
- Plant: plant
- Dish: dish
- Feather: feather
- Chicken: chicken
- Cougar: Cougar
- Fifth: quin - ta
- Fifth: fifth
- Cheese: cheese
- I stay: what - do
- Fit: what - pa
- Complain: complain
- Maybe: maybe
- Cyst: quis - te
- Radio: radio
- Branch: ra - ma
- Frog: frog
- Rat: ra - ta
- Mouse: mouse
- Laughter: laughter
- rock: rock
- rose: rose
- River: River
- Route: route
- rose: rose
- Record: ré - cord
- Trail: ras - tro
- Rip: rip
- Rage: ra - biar
- Coat: coat
- Chair: chair
- Armchair: armchair
- On: on
- Sofa: sofa
- Only: only
- Soy: so - ya
- bland: bland
- Sope: so - pe
- Soup: Soup
- Toad: toad
- Bowl: Bowl
- Cloth: cloth
- TV: te - le
- Roof tile: roof tile
- Thermos: thermos
- Weather: weather
- Tule: you - him
- Rag: rag
- Gut: tri - pa
- Cow: cow
- Rod: va - ra
- Cup: Cup
- Wind: wind
Types of words by syllables
- Bisyllable words
- Trisyllable words
- Tetrasyllable words
- Pentasyllable words
- Polysyllabic words