Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Oct. 2017
The omelette is an omelette made simply of eggs, salt, and olive or sunflower oil. Although the word omelette is of French origin, this word is used in countries such as the United States or Mexico.
In Spain this dish is popularly known as a French omelette and in some countries it is known as a rolled tortilla.
An easy to cook and very nutritious recipe
In its elaboration, a series of steps are followed:
1) the eggs are broken and then beaten,
2) add a pinch of salt to the beaten egg,
3) when the oil is hot in the pan, add the beaten egg and begin to stir until it begins to set and
4) from one end of the pan, start to roll the egg with a spatula to form the omelette.
Like most dishes, the omelette also has its little tricks (to make it fluffier you can add milk when beating the eggs or add a small spoonful of water to each egg when beating the tortilla).
The omelette can be filled inside with a wide variety of ingredients: grated cheese, spicy chorizo, tuna, sausage, ham, asparagus, vegetables and endless options. In any case, it is a simple and very nutritious recipe. In this sense, it is a complete food, as it has fats,
carbohydrates Y protein.A historical brushstroke
The exact origin of this dish and the etymological origin of the word omelette are not known with certainty. Keep in mind that the preparation of an omelette has no mystery and it is foreseeable that this dish will be known for thousands of years.
The name of French omelette has its own history and dates back to the period of the War of Independence that pitted the Spanish and the French in territory Spanish. When the Gallic soldiers tried to occupy the city of Cádiz in 1810, the people of Cadiz had many difficulties to find food.
The potato omelette could not be consumed due to the shortage of patatos. Consequently, the potato omelette or Spanish omelette had to be replaced by a much simpler version, a simple omelette. The people of Cádiz gave a name to the new omelette and this was French omelette.
Other types of tortillas
To the margin omelette and potato omelette, there are other very popular recipes. Among them, we can highlight the following: the spinach, ham and cheese, mushroom and cheese omelette or the classic Spanish omelettes. corn. Like most dishes, tortillas can be homemade or industrial.
Photos: Fotolia - Kerkezz / Arkady Chubykin
Omelette themes