Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Mar. 2010
The term texts is the plural of the word text, one that refers to written formats that are composed of a specific set of symbols and codes. These symbols when placed together form a meaning and represent those ideas that the human being previously developed through orality. The appearance of the texts is linked to the appearance of the writing, around 3000 BC, despite the fact that at beginning the first written forms could not be considered texts in themselves but rather simple and primitive annotations.
One of the characteristics of texts is that they seek to express a meaning, regardless of its style, its Format or his fate. All texts are made so that the same Author or whoever fulfills the role of reader receives information from them that, otherwise, could be lost and be altered by the subjective memories of each individual. The texts have been changing over time and the human being has developed levels more and more writing complexes that allow you to express very transcendent and important ideas in writing.
Although the format of each text can be very different according to the type of publication what is sought to be done, at the thematic that they deal with or other elements, a text could be described under the following traits: they are divided into more or less small paragraphs or blocks of words that are linked in sentences related to each other by meaning. Paragraphs can in turn lead to chapters, which are sets of written pages. Many types of texts are written continuously without division into chapters according to their length.
On the other hand, according to the culture, the layout of the text may also vary. Although the Western format (read horizontally top to bottom and left to right) is the most common, there are some differences, for example, with Arabic texts (which are written from right to left) and with Oriental texts (which are read from top to bottom in a vertical).
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