Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2010
According to the context in which it is used, the word mandate can refer various questions.
Order or direction given to a subordinate
To the order, an indication that the superior gives to a subordinate, it is designated with the term mandate. "My boss has given me the mandate to travel to the interior of the province to expand the client portfolio."
This sense is also often used to account for those commandments that are imposed on families, usually from parents. to children, so that the latter comply with certain decisions of his parents, for example, “Juan studied medicine under the mandate of his dad". In this case, there is no voluntary decision to follow this study, but rather it is made so as not to contradict the family decision.
Exercise of a position
On the other hand, exercise of a position of power and representation is called a mandate. "The president ends his term in 2011."
Also, to that period in which someone serves as a high-ranking agent is called a mandate.
Without a doubt, the just-mentioned references to the word are the most popularly used. We are constantly talking or hearing talk in terms of "the president begins a four-year term"; "The deputies who do not renew their mandate", among others.
In the politics precisely, and with regard to public management, is that we repeatedly come across the concept.
In addition and in relation to this issue, the compliance of the mandate that this or that position envisages turns out to be of notable relevance at the request of the governance of a institution or of a nation.
The mandate assumed by a person who has been elected to a position must be strictly respected as stipulated law and may not be harassed by any attack or outrage, except in those cases in which the official who has the mandate fails to fulfill the duties of his position, in this case the Justice or the competent body and remove from office the official who acted contrary to what his mandate provided.
This is a situation that can occur at the behest of some organisms, including the presidential administration, considered in the presidential systems the most important mandate of the nation.
Generally, the terms of the presidents last four years, and during those same they will enjoy their full powers to exercise the leadership of the nation in question that has chosen them as such.
In the case of legislators, mandates vary, and likewise, as with presidents, compliance with mandates must be respected, except in the cases already mentioned.
Law: contract in which someone entrusts the legal representation of him to another
While, at the request of Right, the mandate is the contract through which one of the parties that signs it, called the principal, entrusts its personal representation, or the management of one or more businesses that have, to the other party, the agent, who will take charge.
There are two subjects involved in this type of contract: the principal or principal, which is the natural or legal person who will confer the position, and the agent or attorney, who will be the person who accepts the order. The characteristics that distinguish it are the following: it may be onerous or, failing that, free, nominated and main contract and must be agreed upon.
Mandate types
There are three types of mandate, the general or special (depends on the object that is entrusted), in your own name or on behalf of others (if the agent must act on his own behalf or on behalf of the principal), mandate with or without representation (It will depend on the effects).
Both parties, as in almost all contracts, must observe certain obligations, the agent is obliged to execute the mandate, must execute it personally, must comply with the instructions of the principal, must be accountable for the execution of the mandate. And on the side of the principal, he will be obliged to pay the agreed remuneration, reimburse the expenses in which there are incurred by the agent and indemnify him for any damages that he may have suffered in compliance with the mandate.
Termination of the mandate
Among the main causes that exhaust a mandate are the following: natural exhaustion, expiration of the stipulated term, termination of the business for which the mandate was established, termination of the contract, nullity of the contract, revocation, death of the principal or leader.
International mandate: transitory sovereignty that a country exercises in a foreign territory
The international mandate is the temporal sovereignty exercised by a country in a territory alien to yours on behalf of the League of Nations and that the United Nations Organization It has been replaced by the figure of guardianship.
Mandate Topics