Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jul. 2013
It is designated by the word technique to that procedure that is normally composed of a series of rules or protocols and whose ultimate mission is to achieve a certain result in a task or activity that can be associated with various areas such as: science, art, technology, some sport, among others.
Procedure made up of rules that aims to achieve a positive objective in some context or action
The technique, whatever it may be, and regardless of the context in which it is applied, always pursues the achievement of an objective with the intervention of the least amount of resources or efforts, that is, achieving the goal with limited resources.
Of course, a technique can be planned that will be considered to be successful, and may not be so in the end, The techniques are tested as they are carried out and if they work they continue to be used and if they do not discard.
Manual and intellectual skills to achieve success
It should be noted that the successful deployment of a technique will require
intellectual and manual skills by the person who performs it and also the handling of tools or utensils .Then, the technique supposes both the modality and the instruments that are used to achieve the projected end.
It is important to clarify that a technique does not imply science because its topic is dedicated to particular cases and not to universal ones, that is, it applies to the solution of a conflict specific or performing an activity or task.
Men developed the technique with the intention of modifying a medium or giving it specific characteristics in order to adapt it much more to the needs it demanded..
The imagination and creativityare two of the faculties that the individual uses to develop the technique that best suits his demands.
Meanwhile, its possibility of transmission to other peers is what has allowed that a certain technique created by someone is not finished, but rather by On the contrary, with this possibility it can be continued through the centuries, and even provide it with news and improvements based on the knowledge of its results.
Mostly, all the activities that we carry out in our daily life follow a technique.
Although we do not take it into account because many daily activities we do automatically and without thinking about them too much for that habit in doing, the techniques to carry them out are present and are those that allow develop them.
Applications of the technique in sport, economy and everyday life
With an example we will see it more clearly, to study, most follow a study technique, read the text first, namely, then underline the most outstanding concepts, and finally turn them into a summary so that this knowledge is integrated into our structure cognitive.
On the other hand, the sports field is one of the areas that uses the technique the most.
Every sport, every discipline sports, has a series of procedures that pursue a positive result, which we must say will be achieved if it is executed correctly, when the technique fails, that is, the indicated is not followed, it is most likely that the defeat or failure of the team or sports player.
For example, in tennis, it is essential that the player hits the ball with a set of movements and determined way to get it to pass the net and be able to achieve the positive point in front of the adversary of turn.
Of course the player's innate talent intervenes and is often the determining factor in winning a game, but so is the technique and the more it is practiced the better the blow in question will come out, whether it be serve, drive, between others.
And the same can be transferred to football, basketball, gymnastics, swimming and other sports.
The economy, on the other hand, is another of the contexts that make use of the technique to increase their production and lower costs, that is, to be more productive by investing the greatest amount of resources possible, a fact that will of course make the business more profitable, and also on the other hand will allow the producer to offer the goods and services at more convenient prices for the consumers.
In other words, in conclusion we can assure that when the technique applied in the economic plane is effective not only the seller will enjoy the benefits but so will the recipient of them or buyer.
Now, it is worth mentioning that men are not the only ones capable of developing a technique, some Animals are also capable of doing it and they create some tools that are very useful when it comes to their survival.
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