Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2008
In its broadest meaning, the fashion is a mode, use or custom that is in boom for a certain time in a place such as a country.
Meanwhile, marketing, which although it does not yet have a grade of scientificity, undoubtedly moves crowds, goes a little further and already treats it as what it clearly is also: a Social phenomenon and that is why he maintains about fashion that it is precisely an eternal phenomenon, universal, concrete and constantly changing, which implies a imitation So what arouses the interest of a important number of people, showing that fashion to be fashion must interest you and follow a good number of subjects and not just one.
There are also some who argue that fashion is a choice that is made based on personal taste, while, in this case, I I would like to raise the first objection, since without a doubt there are fashions, for example, in the case of clothing, really horrible and that capable they do not suit a certain person and what is even worse, it may not even satisfy their personal taste, however, they use it for a question that has become fashionable and here comes the worst, that can happen, that if it does not, it may end up isolated or discriminated against by some or its own group of
membership. This situation is much more common among children and adolescents, very aware and aware of the things that are used and those that are not.Really, sometimes it is very sad watch to an adult, for example, who in the name of fashion fixes up with accessories or he wears clothes that are not in line with his age and ends up making a fool of himself. This I think is the worst side that fashion has.
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