Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Ago. 2009
When the word core is used at the behest of something, usually if you are talking about structures, you will be wanting to refer to what turns out to be its most salient, essential part, featured. Thus, the core is the center or the most important element of a larger structure in which other usually smaller components are inserted.
The word 'nucleus' comes from Latin and means in that language central part or heart of an element. Regardless of the type of nucleus being referenced, the nucleus will always be a structure, an element or a component that is of great importance since it generally contains the most important information or elements of the larger structure.
It is worth noting that other elements will be added to it, which probably present a lower incidence or importance in relation to the nucleus, that is, if they are compared with it, but they are also vital in the whole and will serve to shape it and understand it.
Normally, the term nucleus is used to describe the nucleus
mobile, but it is also commonly used when talking about the planet's core (the central portion of planet Earth), the core of a literary, fiction or non-fiction story, among many other possibilities and contexts in which we apply the word.Cell nucleus
At the behest of biology, if one speaks of the cell nucleus, one is referring to the central and most important part of a cell in a living organism. We must say that it also contains all the genetic material that makes up the cells and that gives specific shape to the organism in question. This nucleus is protected by a membrane and accompanied by a cytoplasmic mass that has as main objectives the protection of the same and the development of other types of functions respectively.
Also, it has "written" the DNA of the cell, which is where the genes that correspond to that organism are printed. And here we find another outstanding function of the nucleus since it is responsible for the maintenance of genetic information without any fright. In this sense, it stands as a kind of controlling center from which the genetic manifestation is regulated.
Planetary core
The term core is also used extensively at the urging of geology and science. astronomy to designate the nucleus of a planet which is made up of the union of all its inner layers. It may be of a liquid consistency or, failing that, solid, situations that will be determined by its age, size and by the proximity it has to the stars.
For example, the core of our planet, which is the most central and internal sphere that the earth has, presents both characteristics, solidity and liquidity.
It is made up of materials such as iron and nickel and their temperature it is very high, since the greater the internal depth, the greater the heat and pressure.
Narrative core
On the other hand, as regards the literature, the core of a narrative story is the central and most important part of the story, the moment in which it is closes the introduction of the characters and the conflicts or central events of the story. In the linguistics and in grammar, the nucleus of a sentence is the central and most important part, probably the space in which that sentence takes on the specific meaning it has.
Thanks to the narrative core, the story will be able to develop in an organized and progressive way and thus contribute to the reader's understanding.
Now, the nucleus is made up of various organized and sequential elements that, if missing, would cause a very severe problem in the story line. Meanwhile, the characters are the components of the story that interact directly with the narrative nuclei, that is, what happens to this or that character with this or that is what the make up.
Urban core
And among the newer concepts that have the term that concerns us, we cannot ignore the urban nucleus since that is how it has been imposed to call those areas that have been populated by a large number of people and that also have many means of connection with other less populated areas and infrastructure.
The use of this term to designate this reality is undoubtedly linked to the more general meaning of the word that speaks, which is the center or the most important element of a larger structure.
Core Topics