Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2012
The most widespread use, by the way, is the one that expresses that it is a social group seated in a territory own, composed of individuals who present similar characteristics, share habits, rites and traditions among themselves and who politically have autonomy.
Socially and politically independent group, settled in a territory and sharing customs and uses
Likewise, the word tribe played a prominent role since ancient times, given that, for example, in the different cities belonging to the ancient Greece, and later in Ancient Rome , it was also called that way to the population of a territory.
We must clarify that in many cases the division into tribes of these cultures was due to military, religious and institutional demands.
Even in these times and in the aforementioned civilizations the various tribes settled their differences and imposed themselves on each other through war.
Even further back in time, on the stage Neolithic, the tribe was one social organization extremely common.
Generally they were groups of different families that came together to live in the same physical place and with the mission of sharing social life and politics.
The authority was exercised by a patriarch or leader, who in most cases was assumed by an individual elderly, experienced and respected by most of the members of the tribe.
Hierarchical organization under the authority of a leader
As in any organization, in the tribe, hierarchies are appreciated and in the case of those who disagree with the behavior expected of them, they will be correspondingly punished by the authority, as happens in any society today, if someone commits an offense they will be punished by the regulations current.
Social interaction and the transmission of values, traditions and habits through time is what determines the continuity of the tribe as such.
The aborigines that populated the American continent when the Spanish conquerors arrived were grouped into tribes as well and the authority was the chief, even Many of these were tribes that managed to stand out for their advances in various areas, and the splendor they gave to their cities, such is the case of the Incas and Aztecs.
Urban tribe: group of young people who live in metropolis and who share aesthetic preferences and interests
At present, the term tribe has regained a special presence as a consequence of the development of the concept of Urban Tribe , from which that group is called, normally made up of young people, adolescents who live in large cities and who share interests, clothing and personalized aesthetics, and that in relation to the rest constitute a clear minority, for example, it is common that they are seen with some surprise and in some cases they are cataloged as rare.
We cannot ignore that the productions of new technologies, especially social networks, are erected in one of the ways of interaction and diffusion of the various tribes with whom we can meet in a town.
Darks, Emos ...
The Darks, who like Gothic aesthetics, dress, paint and dye their hair extreme black; the emo, which is the abbreviation of the English word emotional, because it precisely brings together sad adolescents, young people from well-to-do classes who reject their parents and what society in general imposes on them, they also wear black and paint themselves with this color, and usually wear long bangs that cover part of the face, among others, are some of the urban tribes that have become popular and spread in the last years.
Minorities that cause surprise, discrimination and alert in parents
We must emphasize that due to these physical characteristics that many of these tribes decide to assume and that they break with the canons established is that many times they are discriminated against and their parents are scared by these substantial changes in appearance and behaviour.
In the case of emos, they also have a rather effeminate look and manners that in the case of men arouse a greater discrimination by their peers who do not follow this fashion.
Also emos like tattoos, piercings, and in some extreme cases they even flagellate themselves to be able to express that emotional downward inclination more naturally.
Biology: each group in which a family is divided
And in the field of biology We also find a reference to the word tribe, since it designates each of the classifying groups into which many families are divided.
It is an intermediate category between the aforementioned family and gender.
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