In Spanish, there are many words that contain vowels that precede the consonant R. For example: arbowl, Ernesto, to goto, oror, urdir.
Although there are few words that contain a vowel followed by the R in the same syllable (for example: ar - tea), there are many that contain these sequences but in different syllables (for example: e - rror).
arAna | erI hoist | ordynary |
arbowl | ersettlement | ororgan |
arAC | error | orwin |
argoat | To goan | orgullous |
arco | to goascible | ororientation |
arena | To golanda | original |
arsea | to gorational | orilla |
arnés | to goreality | oriundo |
aror | to goregular | oror |
aroma | to gorelevant | orquesta |
Aron | to goresistible | ortiga |
arpa | to goI respect | ortodoxo |
arpia | to gogiggly | ortopedia |
arroyo | to gobreakable | orzuelo |
arroz | orto | urbanize |
artea | oraction | urbe |
erto | orAC | urinary |
ergo | orco | uroccult |
arbitro | armature | arroar |
Aries | arrule | artesano |
arlequin | arrhyme | arartificial |
armada | arsteal | artista |
erecto | erosion | eructo |
ergonomic | erotism | erudito |
erhoist | errante | eruption |
erhalf | errat | eruptiva |
to go | to gois | to gorig |
to goto | to goonia | to gorite |
to goani | to goradiate | to gorumpir |
to goemos | to goreal | to goupé |
orto the | oreja | orina |
orden | orfebruary | ornamental |
ordenar | orguide | oropel |
ordean | oroffice | oruga |
urbath | uretra | urna |
urdidor | urgence | urraca |
urea | urturn | Úrsula |
urether | urfinal | Uruguay |
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