Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Jun. 2010
When we talk about transaction we are talking about a operation of different types that is carried out between two or more parties and that exchange of goods or services in exchange for the corresponding capital. Although the term can be applied to many situations and areas of daily life, it is normally used to indicate operations of an economic nature that involve the use of capital or money to pay the cost of the purchased good or service.
One of the elements that most clearly characterizes the notion of transaction is the idea of mutual agreement between the parties that carry out the operation. This is so since in order for such an operation to be carried out, it is necessary for someone to have capital and for someone to offer a service or good appropriate to that amount of money requested. Generally, the transaction occurs out of the need of one or both parties and may or may not generate a profit. The transaction can take many forms, styles, and methods, but it will always involve exchanging something for something else.
Transactions can also be operations that do not have to watch with the purchase or sale of products or services. In this sense, we also know the term in the banking field in which numerous operations are known as transactions: they are actions that the client to invest, reorganize or know your capital.
In other less common spaces in which the term 'transaction' is also used, it can be computer science (when talking about an information transaction of a port or destination to another), in that of the psychology (when talking about transactional analysis that involves the transfer of values, communicative forms or traumas from one person to another). In all cases, regardless of the type of transaction in question, it ultimately refers to a specific type of operation.
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