Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2009
According to the context in which it is applied, the term White can refer to several issues, although the The first two references that we will give below are the most widespread and popular uses of the word.
The term white designates one of the many colors that can perceive the human eye. A body is said to be white when in the spectrum all colors are present, because white is the emission of electromagnetic frequencies from sunlight that have not been decomposed into spectrum colors.
On the other hand, white is the color that is opposed to black and is traditionally the color used to symbolize the peace. Dove symbol peace It is white and the handkerchiefs or rags that are shaken at the time of surrender in a confrontation They are also always white, a situation that proves the question we mentioned.
Likewise, the other symbolism that is represented by the color white is that of the purityFor this reason, brides wear white dresses at weddings, because this is the one that will indicate purity and virginity.
On the other hand, the Another of the most widespread uses of the term white is that which designates and defines a community or variety of human beings, ethnic groups or classification racial, as you like to call it, that is, those people who are characterized by having white skin, are popularly known as whites and on some occasions this distinction is used in a negative sense, with the clear objective of establishing a difference against of those with black skin, who throughout history were vilified and persecuted precisely because of their skin color, considering them a race minor, as long as they were compared to the white race.
Meanwhile, the white race is attributed a European origin, especially to the very cold lands corresponding to the Caucasus mountains.
Also, the term "target" refers to that object that is used in shooting to exercise aim..
Y also when you want to give an account of the objective or end to which an action is directed, a wish or an act or a thought, the word white will be used to refer to it. For example, Jews were the target par excellence of most attacks by Islamic extremist groups.
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