Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2009
Touch is one of the five senses sensory that human beings have and that which allows us to detect, perceive, distinguish the qualities that the objects and the medium, such as the temperature, pressure, roughness, smoothness, roughness, among others.
The sense of touch it is found preeminently on our skin which is where most of the nerve receptors that transform the stimuli that come from the outside world and that once they are converted into information, the brain is ready to interpret them as cold, heat, humidity, dry, wet and features that some surfaces usually present and that we mentioned before as roughness, smoothness, hardness.
The main nerve receptors for touch that are responsible for the function that we described above are the so-called corpuscles of touch or Meissner and the Merkel's corpuscles or discs, which are nothing other than small nerve cells specialized in this task and located in the different layers of our skin.
Meissner cospuscles are very tiny, between 50 and 100 microns, and are located in areas strategic areas such as the lips, fingertips, nipples, palm of the hand and in those other areas where no hairs. These are what allow us to recognize the area touched and
identify the various textures of the objects we touch.And on the side of Merkel's corpuscles, they deal with the reception under pressure, they are mainly concentrated in the area of the palms of the hands and on the soles of the feet.
Touch Themes