Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2013
The word metallurgy designates that technique through which metals are obtained and also to the elaboration of them through the minerals they have.
Technique for obtaining metals from the minerals that compose them
This treatment that is carried out on the minerals consists of extracting the metals they contain, removing the impurities, and thus carrying out a physical or chemical process of manufacturing.
The mission is to achieve the mineral which is useful, its subsequent processing in order to obtain the metal, melt it, and provide it with a certain shape through the app of molds, making it harder or more malleable from the alloys.
It should be noted that in pursuit of its mission, metallurgy is also in charge of studying the subject of alloys, of controlling the quality of all processes and corrosion.
Metallurgical process
The metallurgical process is composed of several phases or stages: first, the metal is obtained from the mineral that has it in natural state, and it is separated from the gangue, which is what the mixture of clay and silicates found in the metal; then it is purified, eliminating any type of residual impurity that may remain in the metal in question; the production of alloys continues; and finally, depending on the case, treatments are carried out on the metal which will depend on the product to be obtained.
Historical background of this technique
There is a history of metallurgy from ancient times, for example, towards the end of the period Neolithic, the men intervened copper, silver and gold, with blows, with the intention of leaving them blueprints like paper.
It is believed that the first metal that man encountered was gold, which opened the way to find others, because of course, after the discovery they began to find more and more pieces and thus they reached others such as copper, meanwhile, it was discovered that if copper was mixed with tin, in a percentage not greater than 10%, it could be done more solid.
This constant discovery of properties and alternatives allowed them to be used for special productive purposes, for example, making hoops, punches, axes and other tools and utensils that primitive men used with recurrence in their activities everyday.
He combined them a lot with stone, even the first weapons were made of copper.
Later, the discovery would be made that by mixing more quantity of copper with tin, another metal like bronze, harder and more malleable, but if they added antimony they made it more flexible.
In other words, all these combinations and experiments with minerals allowed us to find metals.
Over time, more advanced techniques for working with metals would arrive, such as lost wax molding, steel tempering, welding, among others.
The primitive human need to create weapons and tools
The need that man had to create utensils and tools that would help him in the realization of different activities, and also wanting to wear pieces that stand out, triggered that human desire to intervene in the metals.
Metallurgy evolved over time until today that it is a huge industry that It is practiced in various countries and from which significant gains are obtained for the state and Business.
Mining activity is essential for the development of metallurgical activity.
Among the main products it generates are: steel sheets, aluminum plates, parts, machines and tools, among others.
With iron, metallurgy had to be made more complex because it was necessary to use higher temperatures to intervene, meanwhile, the metallurgical technique used to extract and transform the iron.
Discipline that studies the properties of metals
On the other hand, the word is also used to refer to the discipline that deals with studying the properties of metals.
Set of industries dedicated to the production of metals
And to set of industries dedicated to production of metals it is popularly known as metallurgy.
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