Definition of Electric Power
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2010
The Energy Electricity is the form of energy that will result from the existence of a potential difference between two points, a situation that will allow establishing a electric current between both points if they are placed in contact through an electrical conductor to obtain the aforementioned work.
Meanwhile, electrical energy is an energy capable of transforming into many other forms of energy how to be: the light energy, the thermal energy and the mechanical energy.
The process works as follows... the electrical energy will be transformed into electrical current by means of a metallic conductor cable by the potential difference that a generator is currently applying at its ends. Therefore, every time we operate a switch of any device, what happens is the closing of a electrical circuit, generating the pertinent movement of electrons through the conductive wire, the charges that will be displacing are part of the atoms.
The main use that is given to this type of energy is at the behest of the
technology as one of its fundamental pillars, having for the human being, except in very complex and singular applications, a direct utility. The reason for indiscriminate use, both in processes and in devices of the most diverse nature, is mainly due to the following issues: cleanliness and simplicity at the time of its generation, easy transport, conversion into other forms of energy.The generation of this type of energy can be carried out in many different ways and through different strategies, meanwhile, the one that takes advantage of the rotating movement of current generation continue or alternating current will be the one that allows to supply the greatest quantity and power of electricity, for example, the current of a waterfall, which is produced when the wind blows.
The generation of electrical energy is one of the most basic human activities, while, of the different ways of using it, electricity is the one that causes the least impact on the environment, compared to other Energy sources conventional and unconventional.
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