Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2009
The term neighborhood is traditionally used to refer to a more or less defined section of the city, which presents some distinctive characteristics over the others. The neighborhood varies completely in terms of size, number of population, of limits or of the number of significant spaces and that is why while some neighborhoods only include a couple of blocks, there are others that even almost reach the dimension from a small town.
One of the main conflicts that arises when defining a neighborhood is that the borders between one and the other are never formal but rather based on cultural issues, traditions and from folklore urban. For this reason, on many occasions the division between one neighborhood and another is not entirely clear even for the inhabitants of the city.
Among the elements that are taken into account to differentiate one neighborhood from another we find the type of urban location, historical period of development, stylecultural and life of the same as well as the
inclusion of certain monuments or significant spaces. Many neighborhoods are also added to the location of the city as time passes and these grow in importance. This situation has been common to many cities in the world that have increased their size and assimilated extensions of territory before left out.Typically, a neighborhood should have distinctive establishments and buildings that differentiate it from other neighborhoods. In addition to specific monuments or buildings, each neighborhood has one or a couple of representative businesses from each heading, with its schools and hospitals, with specific squares, with streets and avenues differentiated from the others, etc. In addition, a neighborhood essentially has a attitude of life that has to do with the traditions of the people who live there and that are clearly different from those of the population of another neighborhood.
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