Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2009
With the term Library we can refer to several questions. On the one hand, any type of organized collection is called a library, whether of books or serial publications, or either graphic or audiovisual documents, which are available to be consulted or borrowed.
On the other hand and with the same term is designated those organisms or part of them whose main reason for being is to build, organize, maintain and update the documents that they have so that they can be consulted by users according to the needs that they have. Libraries can function within some establishment educational as can be a school, a university or exist in a physical place that excluding and is strictly intended for the conservation of such documents and to carry out their main purpose, which as we mentioned above, will be the loan or the consultation of the aforementioned copies that are stored there in order to satisfy the needs of those who come to consult them.
A investigation, for example, it may be one of the reasons for attending a library, that is, it may be that we are facing the investigation of a very important topic and about which a long and long time has already been written and then to give a greater entity and in some way also validity to whatever we want to test and assert, it will be necessary to consult different sources, a situation that must be carried out in a Library.
Also, in the educational field it is usually very common for work to be carried out in the Library, on the one hand to accustom the students to use the Libraries as the main and the best place to consult when having to solve any research and on the other, because it will always be better to meet and read first-hand what is of interest to the job in question.
Within a Library there are four elements that will turn out to be fundamental when it comes to success or failure in its purpose and are the collection, use, organization and personnel in charge of its management and handling. Because the collection supposes a heterogeneous variety of proposals to consult with its consequent evolution. Meanwhile, the organization will be key when it comes to needing to retrieve the information, which is why there are standardized techniques to help at this point. The use that is important and decisive is that it satisfies the needs of the user and finally, as for the personnel in charge of the management, it will be indispensable that has the knowledge, suitability and speed indispensable to satisfy the high demands that a library has.
And on the other hand, The word Library is popularly used to designate that piece of furniture or shelf that people use and buy to place their books and collections of these.
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