Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2008
A piece of land is a space of land on which generally and more commonly people can build houses, buildings, businesses, premises, among others or well cultivate the land, either for own use, as could be the case of the assembly of a vegetable plot in which different types of edibles are planted, so that once they have borne fruit, eat them, or, the exploitation, can be done at a broader level, such as in the case of land located in rural areas, generally far from large cities, destined for land use agricultural.
Obviously, this piece of land, for the achievement of the destinations that I mentioned in the paragraph above, it must be legally conformed and divided, meanwhile, into the current vocabulary that is employs at the urging of urban planning, these delimited pieces of land are called plots.
But the word terrain also has other meanings according to the scope or context in which it is applied.
It is so, that then, The term is usually used to refer to a field of action, such as the politics, the medicine, history, among others, to talk about the qualities or effectiveness through which some people usually move in them. For example, we usually hear That so-and-so is very good or that he moves like a fish in the Water in the field of politics.
And in another of the contexts in which the word terrain acquires importance and relevance is in the field of sport, more precisely in football, in which the place where the players of the different teams play the game is known as pitch.
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