Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2014
Hands are undoubtedly one of the most relevant parts of our body since they facilitate the realization of many daily tasks and activities that would really be complicated or not at all possible to carry out if they were missing.
Formally they are called and considered as the upper limb, the lower limbs are the legs, and they extend from the wrist to the fingertips, because precisely each hand of human beings is made up of five fingers each (thumb, index, middle, ring and little finger).
The doll, which is a joint, has the enormous mission of joining the hand with the forearm, specifically joining the radius and ulna bones with the carpus.
In addition to taking, grasping, holding things, performing movements, or practicing some skills or abilities, hands, among other issues, provide people with an enormous amount of information that comes from touch, that is, of the contact of the fingers with various superiors or objects. At the tips of our fingers there are many nerve endings that just allow this.
Also, the hands are great communicators since they carry out various socially consensual movements and that precisely allow communicate different issues: shaking the hand from one side to the other is taken as a greeting; hitting one hand against the other, the famous clap, is used to congratulate someone; putting your hand to your mouth may indicate that theme It is not spoken, in as much, putting the hands to the eyes can refer that something does not want to see; the closed hand means that something or someone will be hit, among others.
The movement performed by the hands is controlled by the opposite cerebral hemisphere, thus the hemisphere right controls the left hand while the left hemisphere controls the right hand. Now, it is important that we mention that people will always be dominated by one hemisphere or another and this obviously carries over to the hands and then there will be one hand that is used more than the other, for example, in order to to write or take things.
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