Definition of Cellular Organelles
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in May. 2016
Cells are the minimal living structures of nature and therefore the basic unit of all living things. From them all the vital functions of the organisms, that is, the reproduction, the nutrition, the metabolism and other functions. These processes are achieved by the intervention of cell organelles, which are present in the cytoplasmmobile.
The current cell theory
Formerly it was believed that the cell was a cluster of protoplasm made up of a nucleus and a membrane. With advances in biology, it was observed that the nucleus also had a specific membrane. From the point of view of biology this means that every living cell comes from another cell, so every living being is a cell or is made up of them.
The function of cell organelles
Thanks to the improvement of the microscope it was possible to observe the cellular structure in its entirety and thus the cellular organelles were identified. It is now known that all cells, regardless of their size and structure, depend on cellullar organelles for their survival.
All cell organelles have to function harmoniously, regulated and controlled by the DNA of the cell nucleus, from where they receive indications through messages carried by the messenger RNA that go to the cell organelles.
The most common cellular organelles are ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, and chloroplasts in plant cells. Each of these organelles performs specific functions, such as the production of insulin, bile, protein or power transmission functions.
Among cell organelles are mitochondria, cellular structures that carry out essential metabolic reactions. Mitochondria are the energy source that provides the impulse to build other cells and another living thing.
However, the functioning of the mitochondria has a paradoxical component: the oxygen that the cell receives is vital but at the same time Once that same oxygen produces corrosion and cellular wear (mitochondria transform energy from oxygen but a part oxygen is degraded into particles, also known as free radicals, which implies that the higher the energy, the higher the deterioration).
Photo: iStock - luismmolina
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