Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2012
In our language we call thief to that individual who habitually engages in stealing, stealing, either objects, money or any other type of material good from people, against their will, and making use of the violence physical or threats with weapons, the same activity being their livelihood.
Person who steals belongings from others through the use of force or threats
The robbery it is one of the most classic crimes that the thief perpetuates against heritage of an individual to obviously stay with him.
Meanwhile, to carry out such action, the thief, normally, will make use of physical violence, using in some cases firearms or knives, and the threat to subdue their victims on duty.
Meanwhile in theft, the thief, is limited to seize that property of others without using violence or intimidation.
These types of crimes are typified in the criminal codes of different countries and as such admit a penalty that falls directly on the thief.
The crime of theft is typified in the penal code and receives a sanction
It should be noted that the penalty law will be established will depend on each specific criminal case, since of course the penalty received by a thief who has robbed by armed hand and did not injure anyone other than that received by that thief who in the robbery killed the victim with a knife. victim.
The latter will receive a greater punishment than the first, because the theft is compounded by the crime of homicide, which obviously has a higher penalty, and which will be added to the punishment of theft.
Whether the police catch a thief red-handed committing a robbery, or after carrying out a investigation the person responsible for a robbery is established, and he is detained, for the law his innocence is presumed until at the request of a court his guilt is reliably proven.
In any case, and beyond the enjoyment of this presumption, normally, thieves await the arrival of the judgment. in prison, because it is estimated that they may escape and thus complicate the evidence collection procedure.
Once arrested, the thief must have a lawyer to defend him, if he cannot pay, the state will provide him with an official defender.
If the court or judge finds him guilty of the theft, he will be sentenced to prison according to what the law provides.
The lawyer may appeal the conviction in other instances, but in any case the thief must wait in jail for the resolution of the appeal.
The genetic and environmental influence on the thief's life
Regarding why a person becomes a thief, there are many studies and conclusions, from genetic predispositions associated with behavior, to the influence exerted by the education and the environment in which the offender is raised.
Many say that a person is not born a delinquent but is made, this has to do with the latter that We said, with the values, and the teachings that they receive in their home from their parents and relatives more close.
A person who is born into a home in which theft is the means of subsistence cannot safely escape this “mandate” and will end up becoming a criminal.
It is common for criminals who are parents to initiate their children on the path of crime, to take them with them to their robberies to prepare them.
Also, friendships can bring someone to the delinquency.
The word thief presents a wide variety of synonyms, linked to the criminal modality that characterizes the thief, for example pickpocket will be the one who steals purses, wallets, either on the street or in the media transport public, with a great skill That makes people in many cases not even notice it.
And the lighters, on the other hand, are those thieves who act especially in large stores together with other fellows in crime who are in charge of distracting employees so that the other can take over booty.
A honest person it will be the opposite figure of a thief.
Plug in electricity
On the other hand, the word thief has a specific use in terms of electricity since through it it is possible to designate that plug that facilitates the connection of several machines in the same electrical outlet.
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