Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2011
The most recurrent use that we give to the word today moron is to account for that individual who is stupid or unintelligent both in his actions and in his thoughts and opinions, or failing that, who bothers with inopportune. For example: "The answer that Juan gave us regarding our request for money to make a gift to María, was really very idiotic.”
Person who is shown through his sayings and actions as unintelligent
At our language It is used repeatedly as an insult towards another person, and may be more or less offensive than according to the way in which it is expressed, that is, if it is said in a rather friendly context, and yet friend that unfolds an unintelligent action and lacks liveliness, will not generate any problem and will be taken as one more saying.
Now, if it is said to someone with a great load of negativity it can cause an absolute rejection in whom receives the qualification of idiot and then in that bad reaction it can consist of returning with another insult or with a aggression physical.
In Ancient Greece it was applied to those people with a great deal of selfishness
Although, it should be noted that the word idiot knew how to hold other references in the past, for example, in the Ancient Greece, the word idiot used to apply to that citizen who stood out for his selfishness and who did not feel the least bit of interest in the public affairs of his community.
Later, when the word had a Latin meaning, it began to be used to describe that ordinary person who stood out for his ignorance or for the complete absence of education.
Meanwhile, in the current language of these times the use of the term is given mainly to define one who stands out for not understanding what is explained to him even if it is obvious or for presenting a limited intelligence in their actions or thoughts, as we already pointed out lines above.
And finally, the term idiot is also used to designate that person who suffers from idiocy.
Mental illness consisting of severe mental retardation
Idiocy, also known as idiocy and idiocy is a mental illness that supposes the almost complete absence, in an individual, of the psychic or intellectual faculties, that is to say, it is a severe mental retardation.
The detection of idiocy is possible from an early age; among the most recurrent symptoms are: sphincter incontinence, immobility, drooling, total or partial muteness with the emission of meaningless sounds, anti sociability and without notion of the surrounding outside world.
In the vast majority of cases, idiocy is a disease that appears from the very birth of the individual in question, either due to genetic causes, or either due to some inconvenience that arose during pregnancy, and to a lesser extent it can be unleashed by a blow, by the lack of oxygenation of the brain or by the practice from lobotomy (total or partial destruction of the frontal lobes of the brain.
It is worth noting that the person who suffers from this condition cannot develop conformed or be alone since she does not fend for herself.
Yes or yes they need the help and assistance of other people to mobilize and move in life, since in many cases they cannot express themselves in agreement and this of course limits them a lot.
By case is that these people do not go out alone, and usually have a guardian who is generally the parents, who is the one who decides for them
We cannot avoid that the more common use that we give to the term in the use colloquial and that we outlined at the beginning of the review It comes from this disease, that is, when a person shows himself through behavior or said as unintelligent, we call him an idiot.
This manifestation has been installed so much that it is very difficult to eradicate it from the current use of speech, in the meantime, and as a consequence of also referring to a mental illness serious that affects many people in the world, is that this use especially bothers those who are linked in some way with these people who suffer from this condition.
They take it as a severe offense and ask that please not use this denomination in a superficial way and banal, because using it is affecting a person who has a family member affected by this disease.
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