Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2009
It is known as rate to those economic contributions made by users of a certain service that is provided by the state. Although it is very common for people who do not have extensive knowledge in economic matters to confuse the concept of rate with that of taxIt is worth clarifying that a rate is not the same as a tax as most people mistakenly believe, because in the case of taxes they do keep a mandatory nature compliance of your payment, that the rates, on the other hand, do not show, that is, A fee will only be paid as long as the service in question is consumed, that is, if I do not consumption I don't have to pay it.
And the second and most important difference that rates maintain with respect to taxes is that the rate offers us a retribution, materialized in the service that is used, for the payment we make, what is known as consideration and that is something that taxpayers do not receive in exchange for paying a tax anyone, because these are obligations that one cannot refuse to fulfill and that also do not offer any type of remuneration for their fulfillment in a timely manner. with payment.
A classic An example of a rate is that of transport public, every Username you pay every time you get on a bus, train or subway, while if you do not use any means of public transport you are not required to comply with a obligation monthly about it. Meanwhile, the state through this rate makes a total or partial recovery of the costs generated by the provision of the public service.
The rates assigned to these public services must be previously regulated by law and have the pertinent approval of the corresponding parliament.
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