Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in May. 2010
When we use the word 'short', we mean something that is basically short, of a duration not extensive, which is ephemeral. Something short usually lasts a few moments, although depending on what specifically is being talked about, the Specific duration may vary since the parameters of duration or extension of one thing or another are not always equal. In this sense, the brevity of an element, a thing or a phenomenon cannot be measured in terms of mathematical time, but rather in relation to normal parameters. for such a thing or phenomenon: for example, when we talk about a short movie it can last thirty minutes, while a short life can be a life of thirty years.
Brevity is, then, a variable notion according to the element or phenomenon on which it is applied. However, what remains independently of each thing in itself is the short and ephemeral duration that it has. Usually the short term is used for things, phenomena, situations and experiences but not for, for example,
describe physical qualities of a person, animal or object. In this sense, if it is meant that a person is short in stature or that a piece of furniture is small, the word short is not used to indicate that its length is short.The notion of brevity and quality brief is something very common in the present since the human being lives today a myriad of highly ephemeral experiences and sensations that can last only instants. While at other times or in past decades the attention of people could be focused on one point or theme much longer, today that attention is quickly lost and you must receive permanent short, concise and striking stimuli. For example, this is clearly seen in the phenomenon known as zapping, which is nothing more than changing television channels in a matter of thousandths of seconds, leaving a picture or a very brief moment in each of them in order to receive permanent information.
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