A word family It is a group of words that share the same lexeme or root. Also called "lexical families", they are made up of primitive words (Water) and their derived words: Waterr, Waterrras, pairWaters.
In this case, the lexeme or root is Agu-. In many word families, the stem can vary, as long as it maintains its original meaning. Here, depending on the derivation, the root may also appear ac-, which comes from the term of Latin origin aqua.
Adding morphemes, you can form derived words, for example:
acuarela | waterachento | waterarrás |
acuarelado | waterada | waterace |
acuarelist | watergarnish | wateratheist |
acuAryan | wateradored | waterfan |
acupenthouse | waterador | wateraza |
acustir | waterto parties | waterazal |
acueduct | waterfortress | waterita |
acuIcola | wateramarine | deswatergarnish |
acucultivator | wateramiel | deswaterar |
acuefferus | watersnow | deswaterand |
acubear | waterar | pairwaterace |
watersteel | waterburning | pirwaterto |
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