Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2009
In general terms, by interval refers to that space or distance that mediates between two moments or between two points, as appropriate to the situation.
Meanwhile, it will be in the music, in mathematics and in the theater where one can mostly meet him job of this term on a regular basis.
Because for mathematics an interval will be any connected subset of the real line. To represent them, two types of notations are generally used: a and b with the bracket sign.
On the other hand, in music the difference in height (frequency) that can occur between two notes is called interval and that it is measured quantitatively in degrees or natural notes and in qualitative terms through semitones. The expressionarithmetic that is used to mark it will be a proportion simple. An interval can be triggered by playing two notes at the same time, which is called a harmonic interval, whereas when an interval is played note and then the other, this type of interval is called a melodic interval.
Types of musical intervals include: simple, harmonic, complementary, melodic, compound, augmented, and diminished.
And on the other hand, it is also called interval, to the lapse of dead time in the course of a play. While the duration It can be very variable according to the show, there are many artistic works, generally those of longer duration, that lower the curtain for a period and It will be in that period in which the public can get up to go to the toilets, to buy some candy or chocolate or just to comment on the herself. Once this is finished, the work will resume the action until the end.
Topics in Interval