Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2010
According to the context in which the term is used link will refer various questions.
In its broadest sense, link, refers to the action of linking or linking.
On the other hand, when the idea is to account for the union and the connection that exists between one thing and another the word link is used.
In the means of transport public The use of this term is also recurrent, since in this way the splice between one and the other. At the next station you can make the link with the line that takes you to your neighborhood.
On the other hand, the word is used on many occasions as synonym of marriage. My best friend chose me as one of the witnesses to her bonding.
Also, to the person who performs an intermediary task within an organization it is popularly designated as liaison. Our union liaison has asked us to join the measure of force that they project.
A Chemical bond It is the physical process that the responsibility of carrying out the interactions between atoms and molecules to form a higher order entity.
Most of the environment The physicist that surrounds us on a daily basis is linked by this type of chemical bond that will determine the structure of matter.
Y on Computing/tecnología is called a link to abrowser web presenting code open in mode text. Popularly the sailors of Internet We usually refer to this type of link as links. The original version of it was developed in the Czech Republic in 1999. The idea at the beginning when it was developed was to create a web browser similar to Lynx but with greater features, but halfway through, its creator, Mikuláš Patočka He decided to create his own and different browser. Links is characterized by allowing support for tables and frames in HTML, horizontal scrolling; it is compatible with color and monochrome terminals and also includes a drop-down menu system.
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