Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2012
The word member has two recurring uses, on the one hand, it is used to refer to that individual or thing that turns out to be a part that integrates a whole.” That screw is an integral part of my son's trike, don't throw it away.”
Thing or individual that makes up an object or an organization
And on the other hand, the term member refers members of something, of an association, of a group of any kind and area, among others, while those members are people who assume with that membership certain rights and obligations.
For example, the concept is used as a synonym for this term and vice versa. “The members of the Metallica group will be signing autographs tomorrow at the record store.”
Meanwhile, the integral word is associated or linked to other words such as: element, component, part, part, member, accessory, complementary, supplementary, additional, among others, and opposes concepts such as those of total and main.
It should be noted that the member practices
integration, what is the action and the effect of integrating or joining something, a group, an organization, among others and then, once the members are integrated, they constitute a whole, to be able to complete that whole with the missing parts, or failing that, that someone or something becomes part of a everything.The integration of individuals into groups is essential for their development and well-being
In the case of individuals, that they carry out the integration action, without a doubt, will imply an important value at the time of their growth and development in a society, because social integration turns out to be a dynamic process consisting of multiple factors, from which, individuals who are in different social groups, either for economic reasons, religious, political and therefore with little chance of union, finally meet following the same objective.
Of course, integration will be favorable and positive in terms of growth as long as the person integrates a group or association that has proposals and objectives oriented to the well-being of the community they make up or the growth personal.
It is extremely important for people to integrate in a way that is consistent with the various groups that they traditionally have to integrate throughout their lives, the family, on the school, friends, work, among others.
The groups will always be made up of several people, of course, they all have personal experience and ideas. personal, thus they reach the group as individuals, and then put aside that individuality and fight for the objectives common.
Individuality is put at the service of the group they make up, it is about reconciling ideologies antagonistic, looking for points of contact or common in order to advance to solutions and common results that benefit everyone.
Integrate always respecting individual differences
Integration is usually associated with inclusion social, especially those most vulnerable and relegated sectors of society, however, always, the inclusion or integration of someone to a group should be carried out respecting individual differences, not trying to change the other but accepting that they think differently, and that that thought diverse will enrich the group.
When an individual presents a dysfunction in this sense, that is, due to some personal situation, he cannot integrate, he will certainly suffer from this fact, since that, depending on why not that integration, staying outside will make him feel discriminated against and will also threaten his development, especially in regard to sociability it is about.
Bad behaviors, a personality problematic, a psychic illness, may be some reasons for the impossibility of integrating, and even if there are restlessness or intention to do so, there may be a rejection of the group that prevents the person with those characteristics from integrate.
When a group rejects a person as a member despite the intention and desire of that person, it will speak of exclusion, the group does not integrate him and also hurts him in his dignity with that lack of inclusion.
Unfortunately this is very common in societies of all times and a trigger for many personal conflicts.
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