Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2011
In its broadest use, the word Writer is used to account for the person who writes or is the author of any type of document or written workMeanwhile, the word is also used to designate those individuals who practice writing at a professional levelThat is, they dedicate their lives to writing written or printed works, which are then edited by themselves or by publishing companies that market them in the corresponding market.
Although, it should be noted that the term is frequently used more in the second sense, that is, applied to the person who writes as a profession rather than to whom writing as an activity stands out circumstantial.
The profession of writer is one of the most valued in the world, since time immemorial.
Undoubtedly, those who are capable of to write A story has a unique gift that deserves that admiration.
Many authors have reached the level of celebrities and their book presentations turn out to be as popular and visited by their followers as are those performed by actors or musicians.
Types of writers according to the genre to which they dedicate themselves
Meanwhile, according to gender and the literary composition to which the writer dedicates himself, he will receive different specific names depending on the work he performs: poet (the writer who is dedicated to writing poetry, being the most prominent in the language Castilian: Lope de Vega, Miguel de Cervantes and Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer), novelist (that writer who deals with the writing of novels, which are literary works written in prose in which actions are narrated faked in all, or in parts, with the aim of provoking pleasure to the readers from the descriptions of the events, passions and traditions Of the characters), essayist (writer devoted to writing essays, that prose work in which the author reflects on a specific topic), storyteller (writer destined to write stories, the narration brief of fictional or fantastic events for educational or recreational purposes) and the playwright (that author dedicated to the writing of works of theater).
Writing history
Writing, which is the action that consists of transferring thoughts, ideas, feelings, among others, to a paper or any other support using signs that are normally letters that make up words, belonging to this or that language, it is certainly millenary.
First, the human being exploited oral action, that is, he communicated through speech, and it was only in the year 3,000 B.C. that he will begin to do so in writing. Of course, in these times he used all kinds of elements and supports to do it, the ones he had at his fingertips (papyrus, stone, bone, parchment, paper), and without doubts this moment marked a milestone in the history of humanity because there were beginning to be written records of the events and everything that happened around the humanity.
And as a consequence the literature is born when the writing is absolutely consolidated and will immediately allow to leave for written the legends that until then were transmitted orally from generation to generation generation.
The alphabets began to be built as well and in some areas what was written began to have more weight than what was communicated through the oral route. The famous saying that sentences "words are carried away by the wind" became flesh and reality and by case is that especially at the judicial level, what is written has a greater power of proof than what is said by someone to another.
And in the fifteenth century, the invention of the printing press allowed the fabulous dissemination of written works, the Bible was the first book that was printed thanks to it.
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