Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jun. 2014
It is said that there is a novelty when something other than the usual appears, something new and different. In any social circumstance there are novelties: fashion, technology, science... In all cases, the idea of novelty refers to some kind of advance, improvement or a different approach to what already exists.
The novelty has something of a surprise. It generates a social impact and there is a manifest interest in everything that has a new air or an original look.
Technology and science have brought very novel advances. The printing press, photography, aviation or television were novelties that had a great social impact. His irruption had something of revolution, since from its appearance the lives of people could be enriched in multiple senses. The great novelty in human history is likely to be the invention of fire.
The novelty works as a stimulus for human beings. The new attracts attention and you have to buy it and use it as soon as possible. The impact of novelty is temporary and when we get used to the new it already becomes old and we await the appearance of a more attractive novelty.
Consumerism and advertising They are two realities that have the individual's craving for novelty very much in mind. For this reason, marketing develops strategies to keep consumers' attention.
The old or traditional communicates little interest. Instead, novelty sparks the imagination. Despite this, sometimes the new is nothing more than the old in a new guise.
While the novelty implies attraction and interest, there is a pathology that expresses the opposite. People with an excessive fear of change suffer from kainophobia. They reject news in a pathological way and avoid surprises. They prefer that their lives pass within the routine, since they can handle it smoothly.
Man is an animal with a high sense of curiosity. And the childhood It is the period where everything is shocking. The kids they want to discover what each thing is and what it is for. They have one attitude of permanent amazement, as there are new things to discover every day.
Normality appears when there is no news and that normality turns into boredom, a sensation of apathy or reluctance. And it is that surely we need the food of the novelty.
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