Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jun. 2009
The idea of disorder refers directly to the abnormal or unnatural condition of an individual according to the parameters established by nature and mainly by medical science. Disorders can be present in humans in various ways and although currently the term is closely linked to alterations of the state mentalIt can also refer to unnatural conditions of the physical state, that is, to the presence of different types of diseases.
Disorders in humans can be caused by both factors external as internal and in this sense each individual is a unique case in which various elements are combined in a special way. The external factors that can generate disorders in a person may be linked to the presence of organisms invaders, virus or acquired diseases, but also with the presence of elements of deep influence such as social pressure, fashions, the demands of modernity, violence, helplessness. On the other hand, the internal elements that collaborate with the development of disorders are generally those that They exist in a hereditary way and predispose the person to suffer certain physical or mental alterations.
In most cases, the term 'disorder' is used to refer to situations or conditions of mental alteration. These disorders are understood by health professionals Health such as those that propose modifications to the normal mental development of the human being and that do not allow the individual to develop in a productive and positive way in the environment in which he is inserted. Emotional and psychic disorders can manifest themselves through different symptoms and while some of them are more common or less serious (such as anxiety, go to), others have deep estate that are difficult to combat and eradicate (for example, when we talk about depression, schizophrenia, dementias of various kinds or severe paranoia).
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