Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2012
The word evaluate is a frequently used term that we use with the mission of referring to the determination or estimation of a price, risk, value or the size of something or someone.
Areas such as business, finance, academic and work are some in which the term evaluate sounds the most. A) Yes: We began to evaluate the impact that the measure of the government about our sales; I am going to evaluate your knowledge about geography; the boss wants to evaluate your performance for a week, before hiring you definitively.
The action of evaluating is a frequent and highly appreciated action at the request of companies, institutions and the corporations, since it allows to know precisely the weak points as well as the most notable edges of the same. Professionals specially trained for the task, after evaluating, will propose alternatives, options for action, to counteract those sensitive areas and on the contrary boost those that are with good prospects.
For its part, in the field of
teaching, the action of evaluating turns out to be one of the pillars that teachers have to know the level of studies of their students and how much they have learned about a topic addressed in class. The famous evaluations are the resources used by teachers to rate students' knowledge and abilities.And as we mentioned, in the context of human Resources, the activity of evaluating, has become a constant, because it allows to know the work capacity that an individual has in a certain position for which it applies. The evaluations carried out on the candidates tend more and more to incorporate practical aspects, that is, in addition to verifying the applicant's curriculum based on their degrees and the work experiences that he invokes, his specific dispositions are evaluated by taking a test that contains activities similar to those that he would have to carry out in the position or position in question.
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