Block Style Letter Example
Cards / / July 04, 2021
The block style letter It is one of the easiest ways to present the content of this type of document. In addition to that it is one of the most used options for writing letters.
This type of card has a very broad similarity to the so-called extreme block card, but they have the following parts:
- Place and date.- These are on the right side of the card, whether they are placed at the beginning or at the end.
- Sender.- This is placed with the left margin.
- Affair.- This is placed in the center or on the left
- Body.- The body of the letter is always justified.
- Greetings.- The greeting or farewell is usually placed in the center or to the left.
- Name and signature.- These are placed in the center or to the right and at the end of the letter.
- Spaces.- This letter is written with double space between the separations of each paragraph.
Due to its characteristics, this type or style of letter is ideal for most procedures, requests or letters, especially those of a commercial nature.
Example of a block style letter:
Example of writing a block style letter:
Federal District March 23, 2013
Subject: Service claim
Respected gentlemen:
I hereby wish to inform you that the installation work of the auditorium's electrical network, which was carried out on March 1, 2013, is seriously flawed. Apparently there were certain anomalies that affect the proper functioning of the system, so we ask for its prompt repair. Likewise, we ask you in the most attentive way to apply the guarantee that said work contemplated. Thank you very much in advance and we await your prompt response so that the repair can begin as soon as possible since it is urgent that the problem be solved.
I remain with you for any questions or clarification
Carmen Lopez Aguirre
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