Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2013
To the word extensive we use it repeatedly in our language when we want to show that something has a great extension. Normally, we apply the word to things or issues, for example, a land that has many hectares we will say is extensive, while a speech that a person pronounces and that lasts a great amount of time can also be described as extensive.
As all the things that we come across in this world have a certain size, this concept together with the width allows us to get an idea of the size of something. If something has a measure that goes beyond the regular mean, it will be said to be extensive.
However, the extension it is the result of spreading something or spreading. This word can also be used to designate the portion of space that a body occupies and also the capacity that allows it to occupy a part of the space.
On the other hand, when something, an object, or a apparatus You want to give it a greater extension, that is, you want to make it more extensive than it actually is, so that
scope a point that to the extent that he has it is impossible for him to do so, what is generally done is to add a cable, a annexed, for example, which will act as a loop and allow these two distant points to be joined. Then, the artifact or object in question will be able to function satisfactorily, even in spatial distance thanks to the action of that manufactured extension.Meanwhile, in the languagecolloquial, we use the word extensive when we want to indicate that someone exceeded normal in a commentary, a chat or visit. After an extensive meeting, they settled their differences. Likewise, when an individual has not seen another for a long time, it is often said that a long time has passed without seeing each other.
There are many and recognized synonyms that exist for this word, such is the case of: broad, large, vast and long. While the word that opposes is that of reduced, because it precisely allows us to refer to what is characterized by being small, limited and narrow.
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