Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2009
The word metric can be used in various senses in our language.
Meter: fundamental unit of measure to measure length
One of the most common and widespread uses of the word allows us to indicate everything that corresponds to or is linked to the meter or its measurement system.
The meter is one of the units of measurement that we use the most in our daily lives to measure the lengths of the things that surround us and that Of course they are plausible to be measured, to determine for example the width, height and depth of a piece of furniture, for example, we use the subway.
The knowledge of measures of this type, a question that is made possible thanks to this unit of measure, it will allow us to know if a table, or a refrigerator will enter a place of the home. If it does not enter it will be necessary to look for another alternative, hence precisely the importance of the subway.
In the field of design In fashion, it is also essential to take measurements since to design a custom dress or a I brought a person it is rigor to take the measurements to his body before and then transfer them to the piece that is designs.
Meanwhile, there are various elements, tools that allow us to take measurements, either of a piece of furniture or of a person to make a garment for you, the most popular being the tape measure and the centimeter, respectively.
The importance of metrics in poetry
But also, the term metric designates the art that deals with the rhythm, structure, measurement and combination of the verses, in other words, the meter, is that branch within Poetry that will be in charge of the rhythmic formation of a poem, of its duty to be more than nothing.
Meanwhile, the metric study is comprised of three parts: the verse, the stanza and the poem.
Although in different cultures, such as Germanic, Greco-Latin, Hebrew, among others, the verse was formed from various criteria, there are certain conventions when it comes to having to measure the number of syllables in a verse that is composed on Spanish language, among them the following can be cited ...
If the verse ends in an acute word, it will be counted one more syllable, if it ends in an esdrújula, on the contrary, it will be counted one less, when a diphthong or hiatus between the end or beginning of one word and the beginning or end of another, then a single syllable will be counted, through the poetic license known as sinalefa.
According to the Spanish metric, the types of verse can be defined according to the accentuation of the final word, according to the number of syllables they show and the measure imposed by the accents.
Then, it will be according to I respect From these observations we can talk about the metric correction of a certain verse and this is basically what the metric deals with, measuring and establishing the correspondence or not of a verse, of a stanza.
It is very important that all the authors of poetry know how to master the metric since it turns out to be a widely valuable instrument when it comes to loading emotion his creations. A well-placed rhyme will express satisfactorily emotions, images, or anything else that the author wants to convey. When the metric is well applied, poetry will enjoy great beauty.
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