Morphological Analysis Example
Spanish Classes / / July 04, 2021
Is named morphological analysis to a method that determines the grammatical category of the words that make up a sentence.
This analysis derives from the analysis that was created in 1969 by the Bulgarian astronomer named Fritz Zwicky, a US citizen. Morphological analysis is a modification focused on grammar and focuses on defining and classifying the grammatical categories of each word in a sentence in addition to classifying it.
It is necessary to distinguish the morphological analysis from syntactic analysis which analyzes the functions of words within a sentence.
Morphological analysis can be enhanced in two ways:
- Words
- Prayers
1.- Words.- The objective in the morphological analysis of words is to separate the lexeme and the morpheme of the word, where the lexeme indicates the root of the word and the morpheme indicates the number, gender.
2.- Prayers.- The objective of the morphological analysis of sentences is to separate the parts of the sentence and indicate what each of the parts that make up the sentence is.
To perform the analysis of a sentence, the following parameters must be taken into account:
- Words
- Determine = if she is a pronoun, noun, verb, adjective, determiner, etc.
- Gender
- Number
- Conjugation
- Person
- Weather
- Mode
Examples of morphological analysis of sentences:
Example 1, morphological analysis of sentence: "The cook":
Prayer = The cook Josefa cooks beef.
- The = Article (feminine singular).
- Cook = Noun (common feminine singular).
- Josefa = Noun (feminine singular).
- Kitchen = verb (first person singular present).
- Meat = Noun (common masculine singular).
- From = Preposition.
- Beef = Noun (noun and direct object).
Example 2, morphological analysis of sentence: "The captain":
The captain rules his ship at sea.
- Captain = subject
- He governs his ship that is at sea = Predicate
- The = article
- Captain = noun
- Governs = verb
- Your boat = direct object
- His = demonstrative adjective
- Boat = noun
- Which is in the sea = circumstantial complement (predicative complement)
- What = adverb
- This = verb
- On = preposition
- The = article
- Sea = noun
Example 3, morphological analysis of sentence: "The teacher":
The teacher has a new book:
- The = Male singular article.
- Teacher = Common noun masculine singular.
- Carries = It has the first person singular in the present.
- A = Quantifying adjective
- Book = common noun
- New = Qualifying adjective
Example 4, morphological analysis of Words:
Auto = Lexema
Mobile = Morpheme
Es = inflectional morpheme of number