Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2010
Moral teaching resulting from a story or experience
A moral turns out to be that kind of teaching moral that can come, either from a didactic story or from the experience.
The morals are without a doubt one of the most effective and used ways when teaching someone. That possibility of telling a story, usually ornate and fun and that also leaves a teaching concrete have returned to morals in one of the most attractive alternatives to teach something to someone.
Being able to transfer teaching when experiencing a similar problem
Are the closing or the conclusion usual of any story in which the characters who intervene in it adopt a attitude faced with a problem and then this brings them a consequence, a fact that can later be extracted, extrapolated in a simile situation and think then that in that the same effects will be produced. So it is that people who appreciate a story with a moral, either in the experience of another, in a book, in a movie, among others, it is plausible that we apply it to our experiences, if the same thing happens to us.
In children's fables, in poems, in movies, always targeting the children's audience
Generally, fables and nursery rhymes They contain this teaching that the authors of the same propose in some way as conclusions of their works.
Through a story or by an event that is narrated in it, the moral can be transmitted. It can be left as floating so that it is the reader, listener or viewer who has it to determine for himself, decipher it, say, or failing that it can be enclosed within a maximum.
The cinematographic contents destined to the infantile public almost always bring some moral so that the children, in addition to having fun, learn something... For example, one of the most recurrent is usually when the character with kind characteristics, but as a counterpart is the weakest and slowest, manages to triumph over that much less kind, putting it in more direct words the villain on duty, and who is presented as more effective, fast and witty; What is meant by this message is that it is preferable to always act with kindness, because in the long run it is always you will succeed by having good values, thoughts and attitudes that if you show the opposite: hatred, bitterness, envy, among others. .
The resource most used by authors who want to print a moral to their story is to paint very characteristic characters, since in this way the complexity of the characters, allowing the message to come through much more clearly than otherwise.
Formerly, the history of the literature It shows us, the writings, especially those that were intended for children, had a moral, because the idea in addition to entertaining and amusing was to instruct and inform children about some issues or behaviors to follow, continue. If we leaf through a book that dates back several decades, we will surely find towards the end with the following message: the moral of this story is...
Morals undoubtedly occupy a preferential place in literature or products intended for children, due to the mission they hold, which is the teaching of values, therefore, it is a very useful resource. useful to apply in the teaching of the little ones who need to do it in a forceful way but also with some fun and agility, which is what the majority of the morals.
Now, from the own experiences of each one can also draw many lessons that later in life can help us avoid making the same mistakes or making choices that complicate our objectives. You learn from everything and that is the moral, for this reason is that when something does not go well for us, Someone close to us must absorb that experience so that in the future it helps us not to repeat the same stories.
In recent years, the inclusion of the morals in the stories but with the aim of marking some irony more than to instruct on some question.
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