Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2009
According to the context in which it is used, the term estimate will have different references.
In the math, for example, the word estimate refers to estimate statistics or to the numerical estimate.
The first refers to set of techniques that allow giving an approximate value about the parameter of a population from the data previously provided by a show.
And in the case of numerical estimate, what this will help us to solve is with regard to the approximation of magnitudes, numerical estimation comprising a series of numerical analysis techniques that will allow us to approximate the numerical value of a expression mathematics.
On the other hand, and already in a context totally removed from that of numbers or statistics, the word estimate is usually used when you want to give an account of appreciation, consideration and affected that one person feels for another.
And finally, another of the also very regular uses that is given to the term is for express assessment or the submission to evaluation of any question.
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