Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Sep. 2018
It refers to the set of books that make up the Hebrew Bible. Equivalent to the Old Will Christianity, but some books (the deuterocanonical) are not integrated into the Tanakh. This word is an acronym that refers to the three sections of the Hebrew Bible: The Torah, The Nevi'im and The Kentuvim.
The Tanakh books began to be written in the time of King David, around 1000 BC. C and were definitively written in the 11th century AD (all the books included in the Tanakh make up the so-called Palestinian canon and were written by sages of the tradition rabbinical). In any case, the canon of the Jewish Bible does not include the apocryphal books.
The Torah or tohráh (the law)
It includes the five books that make up the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). With the term Pentateuch the set of all of them is mentioned. It is also known as "the book of Moses ", since his Author it was Moses, the main legislator of the Hebrew culture.
In the book of Genesis the story of creation is told. The exodus tells of the liberation of the
slavery of the people of Israel and their arrival in the Promised Land. Leviticus is a Handbook religious intended for priests.The Book of Numbers is so named because precise figures are listed on various matters (sacrifices, cattle, libations, and other counts).
Finally, Deuteronomy is a set of explanations of Jewish laws.
The Nevi´im or Prophets
The second section of the Hebrew Bible tells the story of the people of Israel. Is a narration chronological in which the contributions of the different prophets are mentioned, all of them men who have been inspired by divinity.
The different prophets - especially the so-called elders: Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and Jeremiah - were chosen by God to guide the people of Israel.
The Kentuvim or Writings
In the third part of the Tanach different sacred texts are included: the books of Truth, the five scrolls read on Jewish holidays, the Song of Songs, the Psalms, and books historical. In the Hebrew tradition the Kentuvim have a special role during the feast of Sukot (Tabernacles), Pesach (Easter) or Shavuot (Pentecost).
The Tanakh Ram is a modern Hebrew translation
In 2014 a part of the Hebrew Bible was published. The adaptation to modern Hebrew has generated disparity of opinion in the Jewish community.
For some, it is a good proposition because the Tanakh traditional it is not easy for Jews to interpret. For others, the translation of a text sacred represents a departure from authentic traditions.
Photo: Fotolia - ksana_uk
Themes in Tanakh