Definition of Iron Age
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Sep. 2017
Iron is the metal that has allowed the building of more solid buildings, large airplanes and all kinds of utensils for daily life. This metal and all metals are found everywhere and are used as an extension of ourselves. The history of iron began thousands of years ago in the so-called Iron Age.
From stone to iron, literally
When humans were able to create fire, they took a first step towards sedentary lifestyle. The next was the use of stone to create tools and build stronger buildings. Subsequently, a new stage began, the age of metals. The first to be used was copper, then bronze, and finally iron.
According to archaeologists, approximately 6500 years ago man began to make objects from copper, a very malleable and ductile metal that once melted can become an ornament or any type of tool. Copper had some limitations, as a sharp object can go through it relatively easily. In this way, adding tin to molten copper formed a new alloy, bronze. This is a stronger metal than copper and is easier to work on.
The ancient civilizations of China and the Middle East were the first to forge bronze, a metal especially useful for making resistant weapons. The Bronze Age was a revolution social that affected the Commerce and the whole of economy. It is estimated that the use of iron began approximately 2,500 years ago. This metal is the fourth most abundant element on Earth and with it it is possible to make highly resistant utensils.
The discovery of iron began a new course in the history of metallurgy and technology
This metal became the main material for humanity and its hegemony lasted for two thousand years. When the iron had been forged by the skill of the blacksmith could make all kinds of tools for the farming, livestock or war.
The use of iron represented a social change in all orders. With new, more effective tools for work activity, more free time for other activities and entertainment. In this sense, it could be said that the introduction of iron was a decisive step for the invention of leisure.
It is believed that it was the Hittites who first used it and for a long period of time kept the secret about its elaboration.
Photo: Fotolia - Juulijs / Morphart
Iron Age themes