Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2015
Set of voters who have the right to vote in an election
The concept that concerns us in this review is used recurrently in politics since through it the set of voters who have right to vote in an election of the country to which they belong and thus elect those politicians, leaders, who want me to represent them, that is, all the citizens of a nation authorized to vote are members of the electorate.
Minimum age of the voter: 18 years
Although the regulations regarding the conditions of those who make up the electorate may vary from one country to another, we must emphasize that the majority coincide in establishing the minimum age of the voter in 18 years and the maximum in 70 years, that is, any citizen in full capacity of his mental and intellectual faculties, who is between 18 and 70 years old, may vote in a choice.
Now, we must say that beyond the age limit that is available, if the voter exceeds that age but wants to participate in the election, of course, he will be able to do so without problems because the law endorses it.
Be a citizen of the country in which the election is held
Another condition required of the voter is to be a citizen of the country in which the election is held, that is, to be a native or to have become a citizen through an official procedure. This requirement will be formally checked when the voter appears to vote and is required presentation of your national document of identity. Without this document the voter will not be able to vote for him.
Presence in the electoral roll to be able to participate in the election
Before the imminence of an election, each voter must check if he is present in the electoral roll through the various channels, by telephone, via text message or by Internet, among other.
If he does not appear, he must make the corresponding claim before the authority competent.
Other issues that can prevent a voter from voting according to is a problem in his mental capacities or being prevented by having a criminal case that declares him as a rebel.
It is in the democratic system, where executive and legislative positions are directly elected by popular vote, and by case is where the electorate has reason to be. In authoritarian states or dictatorships, citizens do not have the possibility of electing their representatives.
Issues in Electorate