Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2011
The lettuce it's a type of herbaceous vegetable made up of yellowish flowers, dried fruit, with a single seed and with large, radical, soft leaves of different shapes, which people eat in salads or in stewed.
Also called lactuca sativa, which in Latin, lac-tis, expresses milky liquid, by the sap that their stems exude when they are cut and sativa Due to its nature as a cultivated species, lettuce is an original annual plant in those areas that have a weather rather temperate.
As a consequence of the different varieties that exist today and also because its culture It is increasingly recurrent in greenhouses, it can be consumed throughout the year.
So, as we mentioned lines above, its cultivation is for food purposes, generally taken raw as another ingredient in salads or other meals, although there are some variants, especially those that have a Chinese origin, which by presenting a texture more robust are used once cooked.
Among the varieties of lettuce, the following stand out:
beluga (with tight and dense buds, it lacks flavor, although its crunchy texture and ease of being cut make it one of the most consumed), roman (long bud with less thick leaves), french (with a round bud, thin leaves and a rather buttery texture, it has a delicate and intense flavor) and Batavia (French-style, loose bud, curly leaves and buttery texture).What temperature maximum lettuce can bear up to 30 ° C and as low as -6 ° C and the suitable relative humidity ranges from 60 and 80%.
For its cultivation it is preferable I usually sandy, silty, light and well drained, in none of its variants does it admit drought.
And with respect to its nutritional contributions, the nutritional value it reports is scarce, having a high content of Water, between 90 and 95%; it is rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin A, C, E, B1, K, B3, phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium and amino acids.
In medicine it has been used as a powerful anxiolytic to achieve sleep.
And on his side, the expressionlike a lettuce , is an extremely popular phrase that is used in the language colloquial and that refers to the freshness, freshness and appearance of rested that an individual presents. I slept so well yesterday that today I am a lettuce.
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