Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2017
Love relationships between women are known by the term lesbianism. On the other hand, a phobia is all that conduct in which a rejection or fear of something is revealed.
Consequently, the term lesbophobia expresses the aversion towards women who have sexual and affective inclinations for other women.
A form of violence against women
The homosexuality It has two versions, the male and the female. Those who oppose it are homophobic. In this way, lesbophobia is a type of homophobia specifically oriented to women who live their sexuality outside of the heterosexual tendency.
Lesbians, also known as tortilleras, bolleras and other derogatory terms, have been and are attacked by some sectors of society. Contempt towards them manifests itself in very different ways: insults, physical attacks, exclusion from work or invisibility in the media. communication.
At the same time, lesbophobia is tried to justify with approaches that argue that love between women is a disease
or a pathological deviation. From the point of view of moral, the lesbian person considers that the affective bond between women is an aberration, a sin and an immorality.In short, all expressions convey a dose of violence. Sometimes the violence is explicit and in most cases it is invisible and subtle violence. In any case, LGTBI groups claim that people's sexual inclination is not a reason for discrimination in no sense.
Transphobia, biphobia and homophobia
We speak of transphobia to refer to all those attitudes of rejection towards transsexuals, that is, towards those people whose gender does not correspond to your sexual identity.
If the aversion or rejection is oriented towards people with bisexual tendencies, it is called biphobia. The word homophobia refers to the rejection or rejection of any form of homosexuality.
Other phobias against people
Kalliginephobia, also known as Lycea Complex or venustraphobia, is the unfounded and irrational fear of attractive women (this type of phobia is a form of gynephobia or aversion to women in general).
If the phobia is aimed at fat people, it is obesophobia. If fear or rejection refers to people as a whole, it is anthropophobia.
Photos: Fotolia - Rasinmotion - Sangoiri
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